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MAY 3, 2022

CAPTE earns Re-recognition from CHEA


At its meeting on May 2, 2022, the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) Board of Directors reviewed the recommendation of the CHEA Committee on Recognition regarding the recognition application submitted by the American Physical Therapy Association-Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy (APTA-CAPTE). The Board of Directors accepted the committee recommendation and recognized APTA-CAPTE for the following recognized scope of accreditation:

CAPTE accredits physical therapist professional education programs offered at the clinical doctoral degree levels by higher education institutions in the United States and internationally. CAPTE also accredits paraprofessional physical therapist assistant technical education programs offered at the associate degree level by higher education institutions in the United States only. (2019)

December 18, 2020
(Updated 1/21/21)

CAPTE Mandates

Rules of Practice and Procedure
No changes were made to CAPTE's Rules of Practice and Procedure at the Nov. 3, 2020 CAPTE meeting. Programs are reminded that it is their responsibility to adhere to the most current set of Rules and to seek clarification if needed. As always, you are encouraged to contact us if you need assistance.

USDE Regulations
The USDE passed new/revised regulations Nov. 1, 2019 that went into effect July 1, 2020. A full review of CAPTE's Rules is currently being conducted and, if changes are indicated, they will be proposed and voted on at future CAPTE meetings to ensure compliance with the revised USDE regulations.

COVID-19 Response
Programs are reminded to review CAPTE's website for updates related to guidance for dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on programs. The most recent Oct. 5, 2020 guidance indicated that USDE extended the deadline for all flexibilities related to the COVID-19 emergency through the end of the payment period that includes Dec. 31, 2020, or the end of the payment period that includes the end date for the federally declared public health emergency (PHE) related to COVID-19, whichever occurs later. Based on this, programs will be allowed to teach online for the spring semester and subsequent semesters without submitting and getting approval of an Application for Approval of Substantive Change from CAPTE, as long as the COVID-19 PHE is in effect. We will continue to provide updates as USDE issues new information. All other previously issued CAPTE COVID-19 guidance remains in effect. CAPTE COVID-19 guidance documents can be found on CAPTE's website at: CAPTE Response to COVID-19

Standards and Required Elements Changes
Clarifying changes were made to several of the PT and PTA Standards and Required Elements (SRE). The updated documents can be found on CAPTE's website under CAPTE Accreditation Handbook.

One Element had changes made in the wording of the Element: 6M – PT

The following Elements had changes made in the Element and in the Evidence of Compliance Narrative:

  • 1C4 – PT & PTA
  • 2A – PT & PTA
  • 3B – PT & PTA
  • 3C – PT & PTA
  • 4A – PT & PTA
  • 4G – PT & PTA
  • 4I – PT & PTA
  • 4N – PT & PTA

The following Elements had changes only made in the Evidence of Compliance Narrative:

  • 1C2 – PT & PTA
  • 1C5 – PT & PTA
  • 2B1 – PT & PTA
  • 2B2 – PT & PTA
  • 2B3 – PT & PTA
  • 2B4 – PT & PTA
  • 2B5 – PT & PTA
  • 2C – PT & PTA
  • 3A – PT & PTA
  • 3F – PT & PTA
  • 4D – PT & PTA
  • 6J3 – PTA
  • 6L3 – PT
  • 7C – PTA
  • 7D – PT

USDE and CHEA Recognition of CAPTE
CAPTE is accredited as a programmatic accreditor by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) and by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). The submission of CAPTE re‑recognition documents for USDE are due in April 2021 and for CHEA in Aug. 2021. It is anticipated that both accreditor liaisons will be attending the CAPTE Fall 2021 meeting.

Fee Increase
As adopted at CAPTE's Fall 2018 meeting, programs are reminded that there is an accreditation fee increase for calendar years 2022 and 2023. The new fee is $4,750. Please be sure to account for this increase in the academic budgets for 2022 and 2023.

Program Website Requirement Reminder
In Dec. 2019, §8.20(b)(2) in CAPTE's Rules of Practice and Procedure was revised to require that first-time licensure pass rates averaged over the most recent two years be included with student outcomes that must be made public. Programs that do not have two years of data are expected to provide the data that is available. Please remember that CAPTE expects student outcomes to be updated annually at the time the program submits its Annual Accreditation Report (AAR). If you haven't done that, please do so. Accreditation staff will be checking program websites after the first of the year to ensure program compliance.

CAPTE Updates

Change of Guard
New Commissioners were elected and retiring Commissioners were recognized at the CAPTE Fall 2020 Meeting.

CAPTE Panel Leadership Effective Jan. 1, 2021

  • Pamela Ritzline, PT, EdD, Central Panel Chair and Chair of CAPTE
  • Frank Bates, PT, DPT, MBA, Central Panel Vice Chair and Vice Chair of CAPTE
  • Joyce Maring, PT, DPT, EdD, PT Panel Chair (re-elected)
  • Peggy Gleeson, PT, PhD, PT Panel Vice Chair
  • Sharon Reid, PT, MBA, PTA Panel Chair (re-elected)
  • Lisa Stejskal, PTA, AAS, MAEd, PTA Panel Vice Chair

New Commissioners Beginning Their Terms Jan. 1, 2021

  • Patricia Brown, PT, DPT, MS, re-elected to Central Panel – Clinician Member
  • Janice Haas, PTA, MS, elected to Central Panel – Previous PTA Panel Member
  • Karen Bock, PT, MPT, elected to PT Panel – PT Clinical Educator Active in Clinical Teaching and Clinical Practice
  • Lisa Bradley, PT, DPT, MSW, elected to PT Panel – Curriculum Development
  • Sammi Beckmann, PTA, MBA, elected to PTA Panel – PTA Educator
  • Kathryn Zalewski, PT, PhD, MPA, elected to PTA Panel – PT Educator

Commissioners Completing Their Terms Dec. 31, 2020

  • Patricia Brown, PT, DPT, MS, Central Panel – Clinician Member
  • Doreen Stiskal, PT, PhD, Central Panel Previous PTA Panel Member and Chair of CAPTE
  • Diane Clark, PT, DScPT, MBA, PT Panel – Curriculum Development
  • Patricia Trela, PT, DPT, PT Panel – PT Clinical Educator Active in Clinical Teaching and Clinical Practice
  • Cindy Buchanan, PT, PhD, PTA Panel – PT Educator
  • Jason Dougherty, PTA, MEd, PTA Panel – PTA Educator
  • Tracy Zimmerman, PTA Panel – Public Member

2020 Mary Jane Harris Distinguished Service Award Recipients
The following three individuals were recognized for their service and dedication to CAPTE:

  • Beth Marcoux, PT, DPT, PhD
  • Michael Emery, PT, EdD, FAPTA
  • Carol Fawcett, PTA, MEd

Accreditation Staff Update

Staff Openings
Interviews are being held for the Director and Lead PTA Programs Specialist positions. It is hoped that individuals for these positions will be identified in the near future.

Welcome to New Staff

We are excited that Kristy Gramling will be assuming the position of Senior Accreditation Office Coordinator the first of the year. Kristy has served as the Operations Manager for the Professional Affairs Department of APTA and has assisted with numerous meetings and events such as CSM, ELC, and NEXT over the past couple years. Kristy loves spending her free time outdoors riding her bike or taking her dogs for a long walk in the woods. Accreditation staff are excited to have her join the Accreditation staff team!

Accreditation Staff Contact List

Candy Bahner, PT, DPT, MS (Accreditation - Interim Director)
Phone: 703/706-3242 | Email:

Ellen Price, PT, MEd (Accreditation - Interim Lead PT Programs Specialist)
Phone: 703/706-8593 | Email:

Cindy Mihelich, PT, MEd (Accreditation - Interim Lead PTA Programs Specialist)
Phone: 703/706-3213 | Email:

Mike Chevalier, PTA, AAS, BS (Accreditation - Lead Pre-Accreditation Specialist)
Phone: 703/706-3385 | Email:

Tim Artis (Sr. Accreditation Projects Coordinator)
Phone: 703/706-3173 | Email:

Eva Donley (Accreditation Office Manager)
Phone: 703/706-3243 | Email:

Teresa Emmons, PTA, AS, BS (PTA Programs Specialist)
Phone: 703/706-3231 | Email:

Kristy Gramling (Sr. Accreditation Office Coordinator) (effective 1/3/2021)
Phone: 703/706-3244 | Email:

Tasha Johnson (Sr. Accreditation On-site Visit & Travel Coordinator)
Phone: 703/706-3247 | Email:

Task Forces

International Accreditation/Certification- the Task Force has created a survey to be distributed to international PT programs. The survey will collect information on programs interested in CAPTE accreditation/recognition. Distribution of the survey has been delayed due to the worldwide impact of COVID-19.

Scholarship- the Task Force proposed an updated Physical Therapy Faculty and Scholarship Position Paper which was approved at the CAPTE Fall 2020 meeting. The update provides additional guidance for defining scholarship for PT faculty. The new document can be found here: Position Papers.

Core Faculty– the Task Force proposed a Core Faculty Determination Table which was approved at the CAPTE Fall 2020 meeting. The new Core Faculty Determination Table is intended to be a resource for program directors of DPT programs when considering whether a faculty member is core or not. The table identifies core faculty characteristics delineated in both the definition of core faculty and in related required elements to assist in determining an individual's role within the program. The table can be found here: Core Faculty Determination Table

CAPTE Student Debt– the Task Force has been actively meeting over the past few months, and plans to submit a proposal for consideration by the Central Panel at its Winter 2021 meeting, which will include draft PT and PTA Financial Fact sheets to be piloted with a group of PT and PTA programs in 2021.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion– the Task Force held its first meeting on Dec. 1, 2020. Members of the group include Pam Ritzline, PT, EdD, Chair; Patricia Brown, PT, DPT, MS; Kyle Covington, PT, DPT, PhD; Peggy Gleeson, PT, PhD; Alvaro Gurovich, PT, PhD; Greg Hicks, PT, PhD; Kai Kennedy, PT, DPT; Sharon Reid, PT, MBA; Matt Seiler, RN, Esq; and Candy Bahner, PT, DPT, MS, Interim Director. The next meeting of the group is scheduled for Jan. 21, 2021.

Save the Date

CAPTE Town Hall Meeting for Program Directors

  • Town Hall Meeting for PTA Program Directors - Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2021 (4-7 pm ET)
  • Town Hall Meeting for PT Program Directors - Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021 (4-7 pm ET)

Accreditation Department Workshops

Developing Program Workshop – held as a three-part webinar series

  • Wednesday, January 27, 2021 (12 pm – 3:30 pm ET)
  • Friday, January 29, 2021 (12 pm – 3:30 pm ET)
  • Wednesday, February 3, 2021 (12 pm – 3:30 pm ET)

PT Program Self-study Workshop – held as a three-part webinar series

  • Monday, March 1, 2021 (2 pm - 5 pm ET)
  • Thursday, March 4, 2021 (2 pm - 5 pm ET)
  • Monday, March 8, 2021 (2 pm - 5 pm ET)

PTA Program self-study Workshop – held as a three-part webinar series

  • Wednesday, March 3, 2021 (12 pm - 3 pm ET)
  • Tuesday, March 9, 2021 (12 pm - 3 pm ET)
  • Thursday, March 11, 2021 (12 pm - 3 pm ET)

Actions Taken at the Fall 2020 CAPTE Meeting

At its Fall 2020 meeting, the Commission actions included:

  • Six Candidate for Accreditation decisions (two PT and four PTA).
  • Six Initial Accreditation status decisions (one PT and five PTA).
  • Five Continue Candidate for Accreditation status decisions (two PT and three PTA.
  • 243 Reaffirm/Continue Accreditation status decisions, i.e., remove probation, warning, remove warning, defer action, return to CAPTE set class size, following review of program notifications and/or FSBPT data, and continue accreditation with or without a Compliance Report (126 PT and 117 PTA).
  • Granted two Withdraw Accreditation status decisions at institution request (two PTA).
  • Two Withdraw Accreditation status decisions (two PTA – one sought reconsideration).
  • Five Applications for Approval of Substantive Change requests (two PT and three PTA).
  • 12 Probationary Accreditation decisions, i.e., continue or place on probation (four PT and eight PTA).
  • Reviewed the most recent pass rates provided by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy for all PT and PTA programs.

August 21, 2020 Update

CAPTE Town Hall Meetings Held; Summary Documents Available

On July 29th and August 6th, CAPTE held its first Town Hall Meetings for program directors. Summary documents for the PowerPoint presentation and the Question and Answer session are available. Accreditation staff plan to host another set of Town Hall Meetings following the Fall 2020 CAPTE Meeting. When the dates are set, program directors will be notified via email. If you have any questions about the information provided, please reach out to Accreditation staff .

June 8, 2020 Update

CAPTE Mandates

The information below notes changes in the Rules of Practice and Procedure; however, it does not delineate all of the recent changes. Changes made at the April 2020 CAPTE meeting will be highlighted in the Rules to facilitate their identification. Programs are reminded that it is their responsibility to adhere to the most current set of Rules and to seek clarification if needed. Of these noted changes to the Rules, some are reflected in the Application for Candidacy requirements and in the AFC Instructions and Forms and are, therefore, critical to the development of new programs. As always, you are encouraged to contact us if you need assistance.

Changes in the Rules

CAPTE adopted numerous changes to its Rules, some of which are editorial in nature, some of which are clarifying, and some of which are substantive. With the new USDE regulations, many CAPTE changes are needed to come into compliance with the USDE regulations. The changes of most interest to programs include the following.


    • Part 4 Operation of CAPTE
      4.5 Adverse decisions must be made known by the program to students and prospective students within seven days of receipt of the decision.


    • Part 7 Pre-accreditation
      7.2 Per USDE regulations, all credits and degrees earned and issued by a program holding candidacy are considered to be from an accredited program.
      7.10 Changes to process for submission of Letters of Intent for clinical placements.
      7.28 By USDE regulations candidacy programs must provide a teach out plan or graduate all students if requesting to discontinue program.
      7.31 By USDE regulations candidacy programs appealing a decision to withdraw candidacy can continue the program until a final decision is made.


    • Part 9
      9.4 Removed the need to update the master list of accredited programs related to programs not CAPTE accredited.
      9.13 Added modifying delivery type of curriculum plan to reporting effects of disasters.


    • Part 14 Procedures for Appeal
      14.3 Students transferring or graduating from a program that has candidacy withdrawn, initial accreditation withheld, or accreditation withdrawn must be considered to have graduated or have credits from a CAPTE accredited program to meet USDE regulations.


  • Part 15.2 Expenses
    15.2 Increased honoraria since the last increase was in 2016.


New USDE Regulations

The USDE passed new/revised regulations November 1, 2019 that go into effect July 1, 2020. CAPTE’s rules have been revised to meet the new regulations (note the rules changes above). One regulation that has significant impact is the consideration that credits earned by students and degrees earned by graduates from programs in candidacy status are from an accredited program. This revision will go into effect June 15, 2020 (30 days after the posting of the revisions to CAPTE’s Rules of Practice and Procedure).

COVID-19 Response

Programs are reminded to review CAPTE’s website for updates related to guidance for dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on programs. The most recent guidance provides directions for continuing distance education through the fall session.

Standards and Required Elements Changes

The following changes were made to the Standards and Required Elements (SRE):
The USDE eliminated the designation of “regional” as a type of accreditation. Subsequently, use of “regional” has been eliminated from the SREs and replaced with the word “national.” (Element 3B)

For Element 4G in the PTA Standards and Required Elements, the option for program director exemptions related to the required nine credits of coursework was eliminated. (Element 4G)

The planned vote on the changes to the Standards and Required Elements was postponed to the fall meeting due to needing to conduct the spring 2020 meeting virtually.

Fee Increase

As adopted at CAPTE’s fall 2018 meeting, programs are reminded that there is an accreditation fee increase in 2022. The new fee is $4,750. Please be sure to account for this increase in the academic budget that includes 2022.

Program Website Requirement Reminder

In December 2019, §8.20(b)(2) the Rules of Practice and Procedure was revised to include the requirement for first-time licensure pass rates, averaged over the most recent two years, to be included with student outcomes that must be made public. CAPTE expects student outcomes to be updated annually at the time the program submits its Annual Accreditation Report (AAR).

What's New

Change of Guard

New Commissioners were elected and retiring Commissioners were recognized at the fall 2019 CAPTE Meeting. The new and re-elected Commissioners attending their first meeting were:
Bev Johnson, elected Central Panel
Becky Keith, re-elected Central Panel
Russell Stowers, PTA Panel
Neal Henning, re-elected PTA Panel
Kim Rouillier, re-elected PTA Panel
Richard Saia, elected PTA Panel
Lisa Stejskal, elected PTA Panel
Leah Dvorak, elected PT Panel
Peggy Gleeson, re-elected PT Panel
Sandy Pennington, re-elected PT Panel

Ad Hoc PT Panel Members:
Daniel Erb (2020)
Dolly Swisher (2020)

Welcome to New Staff

Teresa Emmons joined the Accreditation staff on February 11, 2020. Her position is PTA Program Specialist. One of her primary responsibilities is scheduling on-site reviewers for PT and PTA programs. Teresa holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology from the University of Rhode Island, received her PTA degree from Bay State College, and is pursuing a Master of Science in Health Care Administration at George Mason University. Please welcome Teresa to Accreditation.


Sandra Wise retired her full-time position as Sr. Director of Accreditation at APTA on January 15, 2020, but graciously committed to staying on as part-time staff through May 31 to assist during the transition. I want to acknowledge and thank Sandra for her work at APTA over the past 5 years.

Sandra has seen several transitions in education, accreditation and the association during her time as director, including the development of the Education Leadership Partnership and serving as an ex-officio representative, the transition of four chairs of CAPTE, and the launch of APTA’s renewed brand as it enters its centennial. Her staff leadership has prepared the accreditation division to move into the association’s next century with a continued commitment to accountability and excellence.

Staff Updates

Candy Bahner, PT, DPT, MS, has been named the Interim Director of Accreditation supporting the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), while a search for a permanent director is conducted. Dr. Bahner joined APTA as staff in June 2017 as the Lead PT Programs Specialist and has 30 years of physical therapy education experience. Prior to joining staff, Dr. Bahner served as chair and professor of the Stefani Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at the University of Saint Mary. She has also served in the positions of assistant chair and director of clinical education at Wichita State University and program director and DCE of the PTA program at Washburn University. Candy has significant leadership experience, including service as Kansas chapter president, chief delegate, secretary, and board member, among other significant roles. Prior to joining staff, she served CAPTE as a site visitor, team leader, commissioner and reader consultant.

Ellen Price, PT, MEd, has been named the Interim Lead PT Programs Specialist. She previously functioned as the Lead PT Programs Specialist for 16 years prior to her retirement. Ellen most recently served as the Interim Lead PTA Programs Specialist for the past 5 months. Ellen has served as faculty in a PT program and served as the program director for three different PTA programs. She has also served as a private consultant for PT Programs.

Cindy Mihelich, PT, MEd, has been named the Interim Lead PTA Programs Specialist. She previously functioned in this role in 2015-2016. Cindy previously served as a Commissioner from 2006-2012 and served as the PTA Panel Chair from 2007-2009. Cindy developed and served as the program director of a PTA program for 17 years and served in various higher administrative positions at the same institution. She has also served as a private consultant for numerous new and accredited PTA program.

APTA has reopened the search for all three vacant positions in Accreditation (Director, Lead PTA Programs Specialist, and Senior Coordinator).

Contact information for Accreditation Staff is as follows:
Candy Bahner, PT, DPT, MS, Interim Director, Accreditation: 703/706-3242,

Michael Chevalier, PTA, AAS, BS, Lead Pre-Accreditation Specialist: 703/706-3385,

Cindy Mihelich, PT, MEd, Interim Lead PTA Programs Specialist: 703/706-3213,

Ellen Price, PT, MEd, Interim Lead PT Programs Specialist: 703/706-8593,

Task Forces

International Accreditation/Certification - the Task Force has created a survey to be distributed to international PT programs. The survey will collect information on programs interested in CAPTE accreditation/recognition. Distribution of the survey has been delayed due to the worldwide impact of COVID-19.

Scholarship - the Task Force discussed several issues related to identifying and counting scholarship. A position paper is being created to provide guidance for defining scholarship for PT faculty and should be available by January 2021.

Core Faculty - several issues were raised related to faculty serving as core at more than one program. To further explore this issue, a position paper is being created to further define core faculty and should be available by January 2021.

CAPTE Student Debt – CAPTE convened the task force in acknowledgement that current student debt may significantly impact the profession’s ability to attract well-qualified individuals into the field and place a long-term burden of debt on practitioners that influence career choices.  CAPTE further recognizes and commends the work completed by the Education Leadership Partnership (ELP) Task Force to examine the issues influencing student debt and provide a list of recommendations for CAPTE’s consideration.  CAPTE endorses the principle of transparency including transparency of student cost related to physical therapy education. The Task Force held its first meeting on May 27, 2020. Draft goals discussed by the task force include the following:

  1. Clarify the role of CAPTE in addressing the student debt burden.
  2. Analyze data related to student cost from an accreditation lens, e.g. what data is currently being collected through the Annual Accreditation Report and other required reporting mechanisms.
  3. Consider each of the recommendations forwarded by the ELP task force.
  4. Formulate recommendations to submit to CAPTE and ELP related to the ELP task force report and CAPTE’s role in improving transparency related to program student costs. 


Actions Taken at the Spring 2020 CAPTE Meeting

At its spring 2020 meeting, the Commission:

  • Made 5 Candidate for Accreditation decisions
  • Made 4 Initial Accreditation status decisions
  • Made 154 accreditation (reaffirm and continue) status decisions
  • Granted 2 program withdrawals at institution request
  • Reviewed 7 substantive change requests
  • Reviewed the most recent pass rates provided by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy
  • Reviewed graduation and employment rates as provided by programs in the 2019 Annual Accreditation Report (AAR)
  • Reviewed data provided by programs in the 2019 AAR related to compliance of the Standards and Required Elements.

The decisions have been posted on the website.

December 6, 2019 (updated 1/6/20)

CAPTE Mandates

The information below notes changes in the Rules of Practice and Procedure; however, it does not delineate all of the recent changes. Programs are reminded that it is their responsibility to adhere to the most current set of Rules and to seek clarification if needed. Of these noted changes to the Rules, some are reflected in Application for Candidacy requirements, and in the AFC Instructions and Forms and are, therefore, critical to the development of new programs. As always, you are encouraged to contact us if you need assistance.

Changes in the Rules
CAPTE adopted numerous changes to its Rules, some of which are editorial in nature, some of which are clarifying, and some of which are substantive. The changes of most interest to programs include the following.

  • Part 3 Composition of CAPTE
  • 3.1 Changes to Central Panel composition
  • 3.10 Qualifications for Chair of CAPTE were specified
  • Part 4 Operation of CAPTE
  • 4.14 Further clarity for record retention was made
  • 4.20 Frequency of rules changes was set to occur one time a year for the norm
  • Part 7 Preaccreditation
  • 7.10 Identified who needs to sign the Letters of Intent
  • Part 8 Maintaining Accreditation
  • 8.20 Programs will be required to publish first time pass rates with the other required outcomes starting in 2020.

Standards and Required Elements Changes
The full Commission reviewed the proposed changes, including suggestions made by Central Panel from its summer meeting. Although further edits were made, the Commission decided to make final decisions at the spring 2020 meeting.

Doctoral Preparation Needed Now for ALL PT Programs
CAPTE will begin enforcing the requirement for doctoral preparation of all core faculty effective January 1, 2020, except for individuals who are enrolled in an academic doctoral degree program on that date, in which case the effective date will be extended to December 31, 2025; this will be monitored in the Annual Accreditation Report.

CAPTE Definitions
After a careful review of CAPTE definitions/terms, it was decided that programs are to use CAPTE definitions/terms for all accreditation purposes acknowledging that programs may use other terms for their own purposes.

Annual Accreditation Report Changes
As a reminder, the definition of cohort was changed in spring 2019. A cohort to meet the program's CAPTE set class size includes all new students starting the professional/technical program after the add/drop period. Each entering cohort must meet the CAPTE set class size. Programs may admit no greater than 10% (rounding is not permitted) of their CAPTE set class size. Decelerating students are not counted against the CAPTE set class size or 10% restriction.

The method for calculating graduation rate was revised to eliminate counting re-entering and decelerated students in the CAPTE set class size. The rate no longer includes re-entering or decelerated students.

Fee Increase
As adopted at CAPTE's fall 2018 meeting, programs should be reminded that there is an accreditation fee increase in 2022. The new fee is $4,750. Please be sure to put this increase in the academic budget that includes 2022.

What's New

Change of Guard

New Commissioners were elected and retiring Commissioners were recognized at the fall 2019 CAPTE Meeting. Please join me in welcoming the new Commissioners:

Beverly Johnson, elected Central Panel

Becky Keith, re-elected Central Panel

Neal Henning, re-elected PTA Panel

Kimberly Rouillier, re-elected PTA Panel

Richard Saia, PTA Panel

Lisa Stejskal, PTA Panel

Russell Stowers, PTA Panel

Leah Dvorak, elected PT Panel

Peggy Gleeson, re-elected PT Panel

Sandra Pennington, re-elected PT Panel

Chair and Vice Chair Elections

Doreen Stiskal was elected as Chair of CAPTE

Pam Ritzline was elected Vice Chair of CAPTE

Sharon Reid was elected Chair of the PTA Panel

Cindy Buchanan was elected Vice Chair of the PTA Panel

Joyce Maring was elected Chair of the PT Panel

Patty Trela was elected Vice Chair of the PT Panel

 Do reach out to the retiring Commissioners and thank them for their excellent service to CAPTE:

Beth Marcoux—Chair of Commission, Central Panel

David Greathouse—PT Panel

Jonna Mayfield—PTA Panel

Amanda Lopez—PTA Panel

ELC Activities
At the suggestion of several CAPTE stakeholders, a session at ELC in early October was held on completing the Annual Accreditation Report (AAR). During the session the revised method for calculating graduation rate was explained as well as how cohort size is defined. It should be noted that cohort size is now defined as all NEW students who matriculate into a program after the add/drop period. Re-entering and decelerated students no longer count in the cohort size or graduation rate. The session was recorded and is available for viewing here.

Task Forces
International Accreditation/Certification-- the Task Force is pursuing how other accreditors work with international programs. Once information is collected, Task Force will meet again.

Scholarship—the Task Force discussed several issues related to identifying and counting scholarship. Data is being collected from other accreditors to further inform the Task Force. Additionally, the frequency of citations related to scholarship will be presented to the Task Force to add evidence to its discussions.

Core Faculty Workload—several issues were raised related to faculty serving as core at more than one program. Data is being collected to determine how many faculty are reported as serving at more than one program.

Calculation of Outcomes—the question for the Task Force was whether student outcomes (ie pass rates, employment rates, graduate rates) should be reported in the aggregate by the program or reported for each separate cohort. It was decided to keep student outcomes reported by cohorts. Faculty will be reported in the aggregate regardless of the program's number of cohorts/expansions.

Just for Your Program (or those around you)
In addition to the developing and self-study workshops provided at CSM and ELC, CAPTE staff can provide these workshops at your physical location. If interested, you might want to consider inviting programs in your surrounding area. At this time the fee for staff to provide a self-study workshop at a program is calculated at $2,600 per staff member for the first day and $600 per staff member for each additional day. If staff are unable to attend and Commissioners conduct the workshop, an additional $150 per Commissioner per day is added.

If interested in such a workshop, please reach out to the Lead Specialist to discuss.

Actions Taken at the Fall 2019 CAPTE Meeting

At its fall 2019 meeting, the Commission:

  • Made 5 Candidate for Accreditation decisions
  • Made 3 Initial Accreditation status decisions
  • Made 199 accreditation (reaffirm, continue, and substantive change) status decisions
  • Granted 2 program withdrawals at institution request
  • Reviewed 9 substantive change requests
  • Reviewed the most recent pass rates provided by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy

The decisions have been posted on the website.

June 1, 2019 Update

CAPTE Mandates

The information below notes changes in the Rules of Practice and Procedure (.pdf); however, it does not delineate all of the recent changes. Programs are reminded that it is their responsibility to adhere to the most current set of Rules and to seek clarification if needed. As always, you are encouraged to contact us if you need assistance.

Changes in the Rules

CAPTE adopted numerous changes to its Rules, some of which are editorial in nature, some of which are clarifying, and some of which are substantive. The changes of most interest to programs include the following.

  • Part 9 Substantive Change
    the 10% enrollment increase. Only new students will now be counted in the CAPTE set class size. It should be noted that re-entering and decelerating students do not count in the set class size.

  • Part 16 Program Fees
    16.7 Waived workshop registration fee for on-site reviewers and current Commissioners

Your Program's Webpage

  1. Several program websites continue to display inaccurate information. The language must be:

    [INSERT Name of Program] at [INSERT Name of Institution] is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website: http://www.capteonline.orgIf needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call [INSERT ONE Direct Program Phone Number] or email [INSERT ONE Direct Program Email Address].
  2. According to CAPTE Rules, programs must provide the public with current, accurate, reliable, and easily available information about student outcomes. Additionally, some program websites state that the data is reported to the American Physical Therapy Association. As this is inaccurate, be sure any such statement references data reported to the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education.

    The items highlighted here are areas that are found to be out of compliance for some programs.

    At a minimum, information about outcomes must (1) include graduation rate, ultimate licensure exam pass rate, and employment rate, all averaged over the most recent two years, (2) identify the years being reported, and (3) be updated annually at the time that the program submits its Annual Accreditation Report (AAR).

    Annual rates are expected to be determined as follows:

    (i) Graduation rate: use the formula required in the AAR
    (ii) Licensure examination pass rate which is the ultimate pass rate for one year of data and is consistent with the information published by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy
    (iii) Employment rate: % of graduates who sought employment and were employed as PTs or PTAs within one year of graduation.

If you have any questions about the compliance of your program's public disclosure of student outcomes, please reach out to your respective Lead Program Specialist.

Graduation Rate Calculation

The Commission decided to adopt the recommendation to reinstate the 150% calculation for graduation rate. For the fall 2019 Annual Accreditation Report, programs will be able to use 150% of graduation time for determining the graduation rate of the defined cohort.

Fee Increase

Programs need to know that there is an accreditation fee increase in 2020. The new fee is $4,500. Please be sure to put this increase in the academic budget that includes 2020.

What's New

Distinguished Service Award

At the spring meeting, CAPTE recognizes those who have provided outstanding and prolonged contributions to the CAPTE accreditation process through any combination of service on CAPTE, participation on-site visit teams, serving as candidacy reviewers, and/or service on ad hoc committees as assigned. This spring CAPTE honored Greg Frazer, Bernie King and Cindy Calmese with the Mary Jane Harris Distinguished Service Award. All three honorees strove to determine the best for physical therapy education. Their commitment and devotion were unwavering. They were always willing to go above and beyond and served as mentors and colleagues to staff and Commissioners. Their devotion to quality physical therapy education is to be recognized by CAPTE and the profession. Please join CAPTE and the staff in congratulating these three honorees as recipients of the Mary Jane Harris Distinguished Service Award.

Staffing Changes

In March, CAPTE stakeholders were informed of the resignation of Anastasia DiCicco, Lead Preaccreditation Specialist. Her last day was Wednesday, March 20, 2019. We sincerely thank Anastasia for her contributions and commitment to assuring the start of quality PT and PTA education programs. Current efforts are underway to fill the position as quickly as possible.

Please refer to Sandra Wise any inquiries related to programs or projects with which Anastasia was working.

Position Paper

For the past two years, a very dedicated task force worked on writing a position paper related to distance education. The paper is now posted on CAPTE's website. Please thank the task force members in providing their expertise and insight into creating this highly informative paper.

  • Dolly Swisher—co-chair
  • Beth Marcoux—co-chair
  • Mary Blackinton
  • Dianne Jette
  • Bev Johnson
  • Diana Ploeger
  • Kim Rouillier
  • Kevin Rudeen

Revisions to Standards and Required Elements

A task force was convened to determine if revisions are needed to the Standards and Required Elements (SREs) that went into effect January 2016. Having been implemented now for two years, the use of the SREs by programs, on-site reviewers and Commissioners have identified the need for clarification and reduction of duplication in some areas. The group of 15 task force members proposed revisions to the Commission at its fall meeting. Public comments on the proposed revisions were heard at CSM in January 2019 and through a 30 day open comment period via a survey that ended March 15, 2019. The Commission reviewed all comments at its spring meeting and made recommendations related to the comments. Central Panel will make final recommendations at its summer meeting with final decisions made at CAPTE's fall meeting.

Use of Credentials

To conform to APTA's expectation for citing credentials, the Commission leadership decided to implement APTA's policy on citing credentials with all new CAPTE stakeholders. New PT/PTA licensed stakeholders that are entered into CAPTE's database will use the credentials as outlined in APTA's policy.

On-Site Visits 2020

Scheduling for visits to occur in 2020 will begin in August 2019. For On-site Reviewers, please watch for an email to determine your interest in the visits for 2020. Your efforts and commitment to quality physical therapist and physical therapist assistant education is highly valued and appreciated.

Actions Taken at the Spring 2019 CAPTE Meeting

At its spring 2019 meeting, the Commission:

  • Made 8 Candidate for Accreditation decisions
  • Made 8 Initial Accreditation status decisions
  • Made 179 accreditation (reaffirm, continue, and substantive change) status decisions (1 program on warning, 16 programs on probation, 0 program show cause, 0 program withdrawals at institution request, 8 substantive changes, 24 requests for additional information)
  • Reviewed information regarding program changes since fall 2018
  • Reviewed the most recent program data submitted on the Annual Accreditation Report and the pass rates provided by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy

The decisions have been posted on the website.

Archived Updates

View past CAPTE updates.

January 25, 2019

Proposed Revisions to 2016 CAPTE Standards and Required Elements

Call for Comment

The Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education is seeking comment on proposed revisions to the 2016 Standards and Required Elements. The revisions are intended to provide clarity and expectations of the accreditation requirements. The process demonstrates CAPTE’s obligation to quality improvement with commitment to accountability to students. This accountability includes an expanded emphasis on evidence of performance as essential to assessing the quality of programs. The revisions are an effort to demonstrate CAPTE’s mission in assuring and improving academic quality while strengthening accountability.

Please see the table of proposed changes (.pdf).

Comments are now sought from the public, CAPTE programs and associated stakeholders. Comments must be received by CAPTE no later than Wednesday, March 13, 2019; click here to enter SurveyMonkey to provide your comments.

December 7, 2018 Update

CAPTE Mandates

The information below notes changes in the Rules of Practice and Procedure (.pdf); however, it does not delineate all of the recent changes. Programs are reminded that it is their responsibility to adhere to the most current set of Rules and to seek clarification if needed. Of these noted changes to the Rules, some are reflected in Application for Candidacy requirements, and in the AFC Instructions and Forms, and are, therefore, critical to the development of your program. As always, you are encouraged to contact us if you need assistance.

Changes in the Rules

CAPTE adopted numerous changes to its Rules, some of which are editorial in nature, some of which are clarifying, and some of which are substantive. The changes of most interest to programs include the following.

  • Part 7 Pre-accreditation
    • Programs in candidacy are now required to report any change in faculty including the hire of new faculty

May 30, 2018 Update

The information below notes changes in the Rules of Practice and Procedure (.pdf); however, it does not delineate all of the recent changes. Programs are reminded that it is their responsibility to adhere to the most current set of Rules and to seek clarification if needed. Of these noted changes to the Rules, some are reflected in Application for Candidacy requirements, and in the AFC Instructions and Forms, and are, therefore, critical to the development of your program. As always, you are encouraged to contact us if you need assistance.

USDE Recognition

CAPTE is proud to share that the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) has granted recognition to CAPTE as a specialized accreditor for physical therapy education. The final decision from Diane Auer Jones, the USDE Senior Policy Advisor, stated that the recognition of CAPTE was renewed for the maximum time period of 5 years. The recognition is even more meaningful as CAPTE was found to be in compliance with all USDE criteria and did not need to submit a compliance report. This decision recognizes staff and CAPTE volunteers for their outstanding processes for effective accreditation. As Dr. Bill Boissonnault stated: “This is reflective of the hard and high quality work done by all involved. Thank you on behalf of the profession and future students enrolling in our programs!!”

Distinguished Service Award

At the spring meeting, CAPTE recognizes those who have provided outstanding and prolonged contributions to the CAPTE accreditation process through any combination of service on CAPTE, participation on site visit teams, serving as candidacy reviewers, and/or service on ad hoc committees as assigned. This spring CAPTE honored Ellen Price, Linda Eargle, and Cindy Mihelich with the Mary Jane Harris Distinguished Service Award. All three honorees strove to determine the best for physical therapy education. Their commitment and devotion were unwavering. They were always willing to go above and beyond and served as mentors and colleagues to staff and Commissioners. Their devotion to quality physical therapy education is to be recognized by CAPTE and the profession. Please join CAPTE and the staff in congratulating these three honorees as recipients of the Mary Jane Harris Distinguished Service Award.


CAPTE wants to remind its communities of interest about its Facebook page. The intent is to push out information to CAPTE’s stakeholders and is not available for viewer comments. Accreditation staff always welcomes your comments at:

You can locate the Facebook page at:

New Instructions for On-site Visitors

As more and more programs put the required on-site documents on flash drives, it is important for On-site Visitors to consider these the same as hard copies. Thus, the flash drives should be left on-site when the visit is over. Also, programs will be advised to password protect the flash drives should the flash drive be lost/stolen.

Actions Taken at the Spring 2018 CAPTE Meeting

At its Spring 2018 meeting, the Commission:

    • Made 6 new Candidate for Accreditation decisions
    • Made 19 initial accreditation status decisions
    • Made 104 accreditation (reaffirm, continue, and substantive change) status decisions (1 program on warning, 6 programs on probation, 1 defer action)
    • Reviewed information regarding program changes since November 2017
    • Reviewed information provided in the 2017 Annual Accreditation Reports

The decisions have been posted on the website.

Standards and Required Elements

  • Calculation of Rates/Numbers
    Going forward all rates/numbers used in determining compliance with a required element or rule will not allow for rounding up. The whole number given for a rate/number will be used to determine compliance. For example, a two year pass rate of 84.6% will not be rounded up to 85%. Thus, the program would be found out of compliance with the required element of having a two year pass rate of 85%. The program would then have two years to come into compliance.
  • Graduation Rate
    The graduation rate calculation is changing this year. The calculation will now determine whether students graduate with the cohort they entered regardless of time. If students drop from a cohort for academic reasons, those students will count against the cohort graduation rate. If the same students enter another cohort, those students will be a part of this subsequent cohort’s set class size and count towards (or against) that cohort’s graduation rate. For questions and further details, please reach out to the respective program Lead Specialist.
  • Request to Reconsider 50/50 in Required Element 4K Collective Academic Faculty
    The Commission thoroughly reviewed a request from various stakeholders asking to remove language that requires 50% of core faculty to have an academic doctorate. The Commission decided to not remove the language. A complete review of the Standards is soon needed to meet USDE/CHEA recognition requirements. During this review, the request could be reconsidered. The review will be done through a Task Force that includes Commissioners and other stakeholders. If you are interested in participating on the Task Force, please email Sandra Wise at
  • Changes to the Standards and Required Elements Questions have been raised about how changes are made to the Standards and Required Elements. The details for how changes are made can be located in CAPTE’s Rules of Practice and Procedure:

5.2       Procedures for Modification of Standards and Required Elements

Changes/Clarification in the Rules

CAPTE adopted several changes to its Rules, some of which were clarifications and some were substantive. The changes of most interest to programs include the following.

  • Part 7 Pre-accreditation 
    • 8 Developing programs will now attend a workshop only for developing programs which the Program Director and institution representative must attend. Delayed hire of Program Director related to delay of establishing a cycle. Now requires, at a designated time frame, hire of second core faculty member while demonstrating that the roles of Program Director and Clinical Education Coordinator are covered.
    • 29 Show cause was adopted as a status decision for programs in candidacy to provide notice of impeding withdrawal of accreditation.

Note: For developing programs, including those with Candidate for Accreditation status, please email Anastasia DiCicco with questions.

  • Part 8 Procedures for Achievement and Maintenance of Accreditation 
    • 16 Clarifies process for programs when institution loses accreditation by a USDE or CHEA recognized accreditor
    • 20 Requires programs to provide a program specific phone number or email address within the required accreditation status notice
    • 27 Elimination of expanded AAR
  • Part 9 Substantive Change 
    • 4(b)(3) PTA programs are minded that CAPTE is to be notified when the core faculty composition has changed. It is not necessary to notify CAPTE of changes in Clinical Education Coordinator if the core faculty continue to have two full time faculty, one of which is a PT.
    • 8 An increase in class size requires a substantive change if requested change is greater than 10% of planned class size
  • Part 14 Appeals 
    • The entire Part was reviewed by an external attorney and revisions made to provide further clarity and accountability for the process
  • Part 16 Fees 
    • Fee increases were adopted for reconsideration hearing, expedited reconsideration hearing, focused visit, and on-site self-study workshop

Fact Sheets

CAPTE aggregated data from the annual accreditation reports have been posted since March, 2018. The Fact Sheets can be found on CAPTE’s website under aggregated data for both PT and PTA programs.

Any use of the data from the Fact Sheets or from other CAPTE data must carry this disclaimer:

“All uses of this data should reference the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) as the source of the data and acknowledge that CAPTE bears no responsibility for interpretations presented or conclusions reached based on analysis of the data.”

CAPTE data is available for use by programs. Requests should be submitted to Tej Chana at Depending on purpose for use of data, further documentation may be required.

December 6, 2017 Update

The information below notes changes in the Rules of Practice and Procedure; however, it does not delineate all of the recent changes. Programs are reminded that it is their responsibility to adhere to the most current set of Rules and to seek clarification if needed. Of these noted changes to the Rules, some are reflected in Application for Candidacy requirements, and in the AFC Instructions and Forms and are, therefore, critical to the development of new programs. As always, you are encouraged to contact us if you need assistance.

What's New

CAPTE Celebration

CAPTE celebrated its 40th anniversary by hosting receptions at the Education Leadership Conference and before the start of CAPTE’s fall meeting. Prior Commissioners as well as On-site Reviewers were recognized and gratitude for their service extended. A review of CAPTE’s history is available via a PowerPoint presentation. If you are interested in obtaining the presentation, please email Sandra Wise.

Staffing Update

As announced in the spring, Candy Bahner officially started her position with CAPTE in June. She is in the role of Lead Specialist for PT Programs. Candy brings many years of experience in physical therapy education, accreditation, leadership and practice to the Accreditation team. She previously served CAPTE as Commissioner, on-site team leader, and candidacy reviewer. Candy has been a Chair of a DPT program and has experience as the Assistant Chair and Director of Clinical Education. She also has many years of experience as the Director of a Physical Therapist Assistant Program. Please do reach out to her with any PT program questions or discussions:

Change of Guard

New Commissioners were elected and retiring Commissioners were recognized at the fall 2017 CAPTE Meeting. Please join me in welcoming the new Commissioners:
Frank Bates, Central Panel
Pam Ritzline, Central Panel
Brad Thuringer, PTA Panel
Sharon Reid, PTA Panel
Tracy Timmerman, PTA Panel
Joyce Maring, PT Panel
Pat Deotte, PT Panel
Paul Price, PT Panel

Chair and Vice Chair Elections
Kim Rouillier was elected Vice Chair of the PTA Panel
Neal Henning was elected Chair of the PTA Panel
Peggy Gleeson was elected Vice Chair of the PT Panel
Bev Johnson was elected Chair of the PT Panel
Doreen Stiskal was elected Vice Chair of CAPTE
Beth Marcoux was elected as Chair of CAPTE

Do reach out to the retiring Commissioners and thank them for their excellent service to CAPTE:
Dolly Swisher—Chair of CAPTE
Brad Thuringer—role on Central Panel
Diana Ploeger—PTA Panel Vice Chair
Kitty Krieg—PTA Panel
Catherine Portman—PTA Panel
Pam Ritzline—PT Panel Chair
Steve Wilhite—PT Panel
Mary Edna Harrell—PT Panel

Strategic Planning

Prior to the start of the fall meeting, CAPTE engaged in a strategic planning process to guide it through the next 5 years. Through this review CAPTE revised its mission and vision. The following were formally adopted by CAPTE:

Mission: To ensure and advance excellence in physical therapy education.
Vision: CAPTE will be the global premier pathway to accreditation in physical therapy education.

Among the most notable strategic initiatives will be revising processes to be more efficient and management-based, creating a comprehensive assessment process for CAPTE and exploring the accreditation of international PT/PTA programs. CAPTE looks forward to working with all PT/PTA programs in implementing its strategic goals over the next 5 years.

How are You at Assessment?

CAPTE understands that new program directors sometimes struggle with knowing how to create a comprehensive program assessment. Consequently, a task force has created an online module titled Assessment for Beginners. If you are interested in completing the module, which includes contact hours, please register at the APTA Learning Center. CAPTE would like to thank Lisa Finnegan for her work in developing the assessment module.

Actions Taken at the Fall 2017 CAPTE Meeting

At its October 20-25, 2017 meeting, the Commission:

  • Made 4 Candidate for Accreditation decisions
  • Made 6 Initial Accreditation status decisions
  • Made 151 accreditation (reaffirm, continue, and substantive change) status decisions (1 program on warning, 1 program on probation, 0 program show cause, 3 program withdrawals, 6 substantive changes)
  • Reviewed information regarding changes in program leadership since spring 2017
  • Reviewed the most recent pass rates provided by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy

The decisions have been posted on the website. Going forward programs on CAPTE’s agenda will be notified of decisions via email only. Hard copies will no longer be sent. Thus, program directors and administrators will be notified simultaneously via email of their respective program’s decision.

Actions for 2018

The PTA programs up for review in 2018 will be split between 3 CAPTE meetings rather than the usual 2 due to the number of programs on CAPTE’s agenda. Programs have already been notified if there is a change in their CAPTE review date. The Accreditation staff and CAPTE appreciate the patience of the programs in review for 2018 as we work through CAPTE’s agenda.

Changes in the Rules

CAPTE adopted numerous changes to its Rules, some of which are editorial in nature, some of which are clarifying, and some of which are substantive. The changes of most interest to programs include the following.

Parts 3

  • Changed length of service on Commission
  • Created ability of staff to disclose program information to CAPTE if reason to question program’s ability to meet CAPTE standards

Part 7 Pre-accreditation

  • Clarified that, for the purpose of establishing a Candidacy Review Cycle (§7.8), staff’s determination that the appointed program director meets the minimum qualifications of Element 4G does not supersede the judgement of the Commission, nor does it mean the program meets the expectations of any Standard or Element; such a decision is the purview of CAPTE. Programs are reminded that the pre-accreditation process is voluntary and the burden of proof rests with the program.

Part 9 Substantive Change

  • Clarified definition of cohort to include new and re-entering students
  • Eliminated the ability to increase class size by 5 with staff consent

Part 16 Program Fees

  • 16.1 Increase in pre-accreditation fees to a total of $20,000
  • 16.2 Clarified annual fees are due even when a cohort is not started
  • 16.2 Increase in fees for 2020

Your Program's Webpage Update

As provided for in CAPTE's Rules and Procedures, all programs need to update their webpage annually with the latest student outcomes. Programs are asked to do this following the submission of the Annual Accreditation Report (AAR). Keep in mind the rates are now averaged over two years and the employment rate is calculated based on 12 months rather than 6 months. These student outcomes need to be posted within only one click of the program's homepage. If you have any questions, please contact Sandra Wise.

CAPTE Definitions

  1. A need to clearly define informatics for PT programs was identified through the review of program curricula. The definition used in the self-study workshops will be added as a footnote to the Standards and Required Element 7D40. The definition is:
    1. As defined by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, health informatics is the interdisciplinary study of the design, development, adoption, and application of IT-based innovations in healthcare services delivery, management, and planning. Medical Informatics, physician, Health IT.Jan 7, 2014.
  2. The monitoring of interprofessional education in didactic and clinical education begins January 1, 2018. Interprofessional education occurs when two or more different professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care (WHO, 2002). Intraprofessional education occurs when PTs and PTAs learn with, from and about each other.

Fee Increase

Programs are need to know that there is an accreditation fee increase in 2020. The new fee is $4,500. Please be sure to put this increase in the academic budget that includes 2020.

Archived Updates

View past CAPTE updates.

June 1, 2017 Update

The information below notes changes in the Rules of Practice and Procedure; however, it does not delineate all of the recent changes. Programs are reminded that it is their responsibility to adhere to the most current set of Rules and to seek clarification if needed. Of these noted changes to the Rules, some are reflected in Application for Candidacy requirements, and in the AFC Instructions and Forms, and are, therefore, critical to the development of your program. As always, you are encouraged to contact us if you need assistance.

New Team Member

CAPTE is pleased to announce the hire of Dr. Candy Bahner in the role of Lead Specialist for PT Programs. Candy brings many years of experience in physical therapy education, accreditation, leadership and practice to the Accreditation team. She previously served CAPTE as Commissioner, on-site team leader, and candidacy reviewer. Candy has been a Chair of a DPT program and has experience as the Assistant Chair and Director of Clinical Education. She also has many years of experience as the Director of a Physical Therapist Assistant Program.

Candy has been the recipient of several honors and awards such as the FA Davis Outstanding Physical Therapist Assistant Educator Award, Wichita State University College of Health Professions Leadership Academy Fellow, KPTA Carolyn Bloom Life Time Achievement Award, KPTA Susan Tork Distinguished Service Award, and Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy President’s award.  Candy received her Bachelor of Science degree in physical therapy from the University of Kansas, her Master of Science degree in education from Pittsburg State University and her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Simmons College.

Please join me in welcoming Candy to CAPTE as she enters her role on June 12, 2017. During the interim, Ellen Price continues to cover PT programs and will be instrumental in onboarding Candy into her new role.

Distinguished Service Award

At the spring meeting, CAPTE recognizes those who have provided outstanding and prolonged contributions to the CAPTE accreditation process through any combination of service on CAPTE, participation on site visit teams, serving as candidacy reviewer, and/or service on ad hoc committees as assigned. This spring CAPTE honored Claire Peel, Abby Heydman and Doug Clarke with the Mary Jane Harris Distinguished Service Award. All three honorees strove to determine the best for physical therapy education. Their commitment and devotion were unwavering. They were always willing to go above and beyond and served as mentors and colleagues to staff and Commissioners. Their devotion to quality physical therapy education is to be recognized by CAPTE and the profession. Please join CAPTE and the staff in congratulating these three honorees as recipients of the Mary Jane Harris Distinguished Service Award.


CAPTE has now fully arrived into the 21st century with its own Facebook page. The intent is to push out information to CAPTE’s stakeholders and is not available for viewer comments. Accreditation staff always welcomes your comments at:

You can locate the Facebook page at:

CAPTE’s Homepage Has a New Section

For those of you interested in research and/or data, CAPTE has added another link to its homepage just for Researchers. The Researchers page will provide direct links to CAPTE's Fact Sheets, instructions on how to request CAPTE data and other useful information. Be sure to check it out the next time you visit CAPTE’s homepage.

Actions Taken at the Spring 2017 CAPTE Meeting

At its April 21-26, 2017 meeting, the Commission:

  • Made 4 new Candidate for Accreditation decisions
  • Made 11 initial accreditation status decisions
  • Made 104 accreditation (reaffirm, continue, and substantive change) status decisions (4 programs on warning, 2 programs on probation, 1 program show cause)
  • Reviewed information regarding program changes since November 2016
  • Reviewed information provided in the 2016 Annual Accreditation Reports

The decisions have been posted on the website.

Changes in the Rules

CAPTE adopted several changes to its Rules, some of which were clarifications and some were substantive. The changes of most interest to programs include the following:

Part 4 Operation of CAPTE

  • 4.3(1)(iv) Requires that pre-accreditation or accreditation will not be granted if the institution/program is on sanctions from a recognized agency

Part 7 Pre-accreditation

  • 7.10 Clarified the requirements for faculty resources for AFC submission and who must sign the letters of intent for clinical sites. Requires institutions with developing programs to be in good standing with its accrediting agency at all times throughout the pre-accreditation process
  • 7.20 Clarified that programs denied candidate status are not eligible for the expedited reconsideration process

Note: For developing programs, including those with Candidate for Accreditation status, please email Anastasia DiCicco with questions.

Part 8 Procedures for Achievement and Maintenance of Accreditation

  • 8.16(c) Programs placed on probation may be required to suspend enrolling new cohorts
  • 8.17(a)(2) Added language to allow staff to first assess submitted program responses to requests for additional information

Part 9 Substantive Change

  • 9.4(c)(1)(i) Allows for cohorts to be suspended for two years. After two years programs will need to undergo other processes for restarting a cohort
  • 9.6(d)(1) Added language to clearly require programs to implement approved change within one year of approval

Part 11 Complaints

  • 11.2 Added anonymous complaints to the complaint review process
  • 11.6 Added staff to those who can initiate a complaint

Invoices for 2018

Accreditation staff is going to pilot a new process for distributing invoices for the 2018 accreditation fees. Rather than provide invoices in September, they will be provided in August of 2017. The intent is to increase efficiency of Accreditation staff in answering questions related to invoices as well as questions related to the Annual Accreditation Report (AAR) that is generally distributed at the same time. If you have any questions, please reach email Tej Chana.

Changes to the Standards and Required Elements

Revisions to the Standards and Required Elements were explored as more programs have now used them for accreditation. The Commission will continue to consider revisions at its fall meeting in late October 2017 with the intent to implement any proposed changes by the end of 2018. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please contact the Accreditation staff.

Standards and Required Elements Clarification/Interpretations

It has come to CAPTE's attention that some states require PT/PTA faculty to be licensed in the state where the program is located. CAPTE requires programs to have policies that are compatible with applicable law (Required Element 3G). Thus, programs will be expected to have policies and be in compliance with any state law that mandates faculty (core and associated) be licensed in the state where they are teaching.

CAPTE would like to provide clarity for Required Element 2C Curriculum Assessment. The intent of the Required Element is broader in scope than just covering all the components of 2C. Thus, CAPTE and onsite reviewers will focus on:

  • How the curricular evaluation process considers the changing roles and responsibilities of the physical therapist practitioner and the dynamic nature of the profession and the health care delivery system.
  • Whether evidence was provided that student achievement and graduate outcomes are used to assess the curriculum.
  • How the clinical education component is assessed, including at minimum, the assessment of the number and variety of clinical sites and the appropriate length and placement within the curriculum.
  • Whether the process identifies the stakeholders from whom data is collected, the method(s) used to collect data, and the timing of the collection.
  • Whether there was a summary of the strengths and weaknesses from the most recent curricular evaluation, including clinical education.
  • Description of curricular changes, including to clinical education, made within the last four years with the rationale/evidence for the change(s).

Because the assessment of the required elements for Standard 6 is provided in Standard 6, there is no need to assure the 2C curriculum assessment covers each individual required element in Standard 6. Additionally, 2C does not include an expectation for triggers/benchmarks in the curriculum assessment.

Please direct any questions you might have to the Accreditation staff.

Fact Sheets

CAPTE aggregated data from the annual accreditation reports have been posted since March, 2107. The Fact Sheets can be found on CAPTE’s website under aggregated data for both PT and PTA programs.

Any use of the data from the Fact Sheets or from other CAPTE data must carry this disclaimer:

"All uses of this data should reference the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) as the source of the data and acknowledge that CAPTE bears no responsibility for interpretations presented or conclusions reached based on analysis of the data."

CAPTE data is available for use by programs. Requests should be submitted to Tej Chana. Depending on purpose for use of data, further documentation may be required.


December 20, 2016 Update

The information below notes changes in the Rules of Practice and Procedure (.pdf); however, it does not delineate all of the recent changes. Programs are reminded that it is their responsibility to adhere to the most current set of Rules and to seek clarification if needed. Of these noted changes to the Rules, some are reflected in Application for Candidacy requirements, and in the AFC Instructions and Forms, and are, therefore, critical to the development of your program. As always, you are encouraged to contact us if you need assistance.

Staffing Update

Ellen Price, Lead Specialist for PT programs, will officially retire at the end of December. She will continue to provide service to CAPTE until her replacement has been onboarded during 2017. Ellen has provided 15 years of service to CAPTE and has been instrumental in shaping quality physical therapy education. She will be missed by everyone in the physical therapy education community. We certainly wish her well on her new adventures.

An offer for Ellen's position has been made with a future announcement to be provided when all details have been completed.

Change of Guard

New Commissioners were elected and retiring Commissioners were recognized at the Fall 2016 CAPTE Meeting.

Please join me in welcoming the new Commissioners:
Patricia Brown, Central Panel
Doreen Stiskal, Central Panel
Kerri Bednarcik, PTA Panel
Jason Dougherty, PTA Panel
Cindy Buchanan, PTA Panel
Diane Clark, PT Panel
Patricia Trela, PT Panel

Chair and Vice Chair Elections
Diana Ploeger was elected Vice Chair of the PTA Panel
Jan Haas was elected Chair of the PTA Panel
Bev Johnson was elected Vice Chair of the PT Panel
Pam Ritzline was elected Chair of the PT Panel
Beth Marcoux was elected Vice Chair of CAPTE
Dolly Swisher was elected as Chair of CAPTE

Do reach out to the retiring Commissioners and thank them for their excellent service to CAPTE:
Ann Divine — Co-Chair of CAPTE
Kathy Hastings — Co-Chair of CAPTE
Sharon Reid — PTA Panel Chair
Doreen Stiskal — PTA Panel Vice Chair
Carol Fawcett — PTA Panel
Bob Post — PT Panel Vice Chair
Kim Cohee — PT Panel

Actions Taken at the Fall 2016 CAPTE Meeting

At its November 4-9, 2016, meeting, the Commission:

  • Made 6 Candidate for Accreditation decisions
  • Made 6 Initial Accreditation status decisions
  • Made 102 accreditation (reaffirm, continue, and substantive change) status decisions (1 program on warning, 7 programs on probation, 0 program show cause, 0 program withdraw, 5 substantive changes)
  • Reviewed information regarding changes in program leadership since November 2015
  • Reviewed the most recent pass rates provided by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy

The decisions have been posted on the website.

Bridge Program for Foreign Educated PTs/PTAs Task Force—Final Report

The task force focused on CAPTE's rules, specifically Rule 9.10: Expansion of Program Accreditation Status to an Additional Program Offering. The task force recommended and CAPTE approved that bridge programs for foreign educated physical therapists and physical therapist assistants would be an expansion of the current entry-level programs. The application for approval of substantive change process would need to be completed according to the respective Rules of Practice and Procedure of CAPTE.

The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy is exploring the opportunity for foreign educated physical therapists and physical therapist assistants to be eligible to sit for the licensure exam without completion of a CAPTE accredited bridge program. If you are interested in more details about this process, please contact FSBPT directly.

Baccalaureate PTA Degree Task Force

At the Fall 2015 CAPTE meeting a motion was passed to create a task force to explore the feasibility of allowing Physical Therapist Assistant education programs to offer the option of a bachelor's degree as the entry level degree where allowed by state law and institutional accreditation policies. The task force was convened in Winter/Spring 2016 with a report delivered to CAPTE at the Fall 2016 meeting. After much thoughtful discussion, the task force determined that there not be any change in the entry level degree for the Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA). The primary reasons for this decision were the minimal number of requests for the change, lack of constituent support in available research, potential for confusion of PTA and PT role identity, increased cost of education for the student, and no change in scope of work for the PTA. CAPTE accepted the report.

Changes in the Rules

CAPTE adopted numerous changes to its Rules, some of which are editorial in nature, some of which are clarifying, and some of which are substantive. The changes of most interest to programs include the following.

Entire document:

  • Deleted any reference to "facsimile"

Parts 4, 7, 9

  • Added language that adds progress reports for programs with candidacy status

Parts 4.5(c)(7)(10)(11)(12)

  • Added language to the adverse decision notification stating such decisions are set aside until reconsideration/appeal processes have been completed

Part 7 Pre-accreditation

  • 7.4(a) Removed one cycle of review for developing programs meaning only 12 new programs will be reviewed per year starting in 2018
  • 7.8(e) Program directors need to be rehired within one month, rather than six months, in order not to lose review cycle
  • 7.14 Added composition of the On-site Review Team

Part 8 Procedures for Achievement and Maintenance of Accreditation

  • New rule to be added that addresses the USDE expectation that student outcome rates are verified. See below for language to be added to the Rules and Procedures.

Part 9 Substantive Change

  • 9.5 Clarified review of reportable changes related to staff role
  • 9.8 Permanent increases in class size (10% or more from CAPTE set class size) will require the program to submit an AASC (see below for defining class size)
  • 9.14 New rule allowing for third party comments related to requests for substantive change

Defining Planned Class Size

With the rule change related to increases in class size, it is necessary to establish the CAPTE set class size for every program. This class size will be set by the planned class size entered by the program with the 2016 AAR. Going forward, this planned class size will remain constant providing the benchmark for requesting an increase in class size of 10% or more. Should the planned class size entered not be the usual and customary class size for your program, please reach out to the respective program Lead Specialist to determine what, if any, changes should be made and whether an application for approval of a substantive change is required.

New Rule for Verification of Student Outcome Rates

Programs will be required to engage an independent third-party to verify the employment data reported in the Accreditation Annual Report (AAR) during the year that the program is required to do an expanded AAR starting in 2018. Further details on the process will be made available to those programs having an expanded AAR due in 2018.

8.20 Information Required to be Made Public by the Program
(b) Student Outcomes

Add as new item (6)

All student achievement data reported/published for any purpose is expected to reflect an accurate and verifiable portrayal of the program’s performance, which is subject to review for integrity, accuracy, and completeness. CAPTE reserves the right to request that a program provide verification by an external source of a program’s student achievement data that CAPTE relies on, in part, in making an accreditation decision. The program is responsible for any cost related to verification by an external source of a program’s student achievement data.

The USDE expects outcomes data to be accurate requiring accreditors to have processes in place to verify program reported student outcomes.

Changes to the Standards and Required Elements

Based on the hard work of the Accreditation Task Force as well as changes in the accrediting regulatory environment, revisions to the new Standards and Required Elements will be proposed at the Spring 2017 CAPTE meeting. The intent is to provide clarity of CAPTE's expectations as well as create some efficiency in preparing the Self-Study Report. Additionally, the revisions will include any curriculum modifications needed to meet the FSBPT changes proposed for its test blueprint. If the changes are substantive to existing standards/elements, changes can only be implemented after notifying the communities of interest of the proposed changes, providing reasonable opportunity for comment, considering the feedback obtained, and providing sufficient advance notice of implementation. Proposed changes, including the planned effective date, will be circulated to the communities of interest who will be given at least thirty (30) days to provide comment.

Fee Increase

Programs are reminded that there is an accreditation fee increase in 2018. The new fee is $4,250. Please be sure to put this increase in the academic budget that includes 2018.

June 10, 2016 Update

The information below notes changes in the Rules of Practice and Procedure (.pdf); however, it does not delineate all of the recent changes. Programs are reminded that it is their responsibility to adhere to the most current set of Rules and to seek clarification if needed. Of these noted changes to the Rules, some are reflected in Application for Candidacy requirements, and in the AFC Instructions and Forms, and are, therefore, critical to the development of your program. As always, you are encouraged to contact us if you need assistance.

Staffing Update

Ellen Price, Lead Specialist for PT programs, will retire at the end of August. Ellen has provided 15 years of service to CAPTE and been instrumental in shaping quality physical therapy education. She will be missed by everyone in the physical therapy education community. We certainly wish her well on her new adventures. Recruitment for Ellen’s position is occurring with details found on APTA’s employment website. The position is open for consideration of working remotely. Feel free to forward the information to anyone who might be interested or consider applying yourself.

New Team Members

The Accreditation staff would like to welcome and introduce Lisa Finnegan. Lisa is the PTA Lead Specialist. She will provide guidance and support for currently accredited PTA programs. Lisa relocated to CAPTE offices from a PTA program in Las Vegas, Nevada. For the past ten years, she has been the ACCE in a city with three PTA programs and two PT programs. She also taught lecture, lab, and distance education courses in Anatomy and Kinesiology, Orthopedic and Neurologic, Pathophysiology, Observation, and Measurement, Introduction to Physical Therapy, and Aquatics. She has a passion for excellence in education and is a proponent of active learning techniques. Do not expect to sit quietly in your seat in any of her workshops! She is the author of a medical terminology textbook used by many PTA programs and a peer reviewer for other PTA textbooks. Lisa enjoys being in the water and has designed and led aquatic wellness programs for clients with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke and arthritis. Her community service also includes leading Stepping On workshops which have been proven to help reduce falls and increase confidence in community dwelling adults over 65 years old.

The Accreditation staff would also like to welcome and introduce Mike Chevalier. Mike is the PTA Specialist. He will provide guidance and support for currently accredited PTA programs with Lisa Finnegan as well as conduct routine functions that cross both PT and PTA programs. Mike is a native Washingtonian, born in DC and raised in Herndon VA. He worked for the American Statistical Association prior to going back to school to become an LPTA. During his time at ASA, he remembers reading an article in the Washingtonian magazine about what a great place the APTA is to work, and since then he has always kept an eye on job opportunities there. For the past five years, he has been a LPTA working in SNFs in the Northern VA area. He values the bond with his patients on their way to recovery. He now looks forward to the new challenges at APTA and the new bonds with both his coworkers and programs. He is a fan of all Washington sports, arts, and the outdoors. Watch for him, his family and Sandra with husband at the next Nationals baseball game.

Distinguished Service Award

At the spring meeting, CAPTE recognizes someone who has provided outstanding and prolonged contributions to the CAPTE accreditation process through any combination of service on CAPTE, participation on site visit teams, serving as candidacy reviewer, and/or service on ad hoc committees as assigned. This spring CAPTE honored Mary Jane Harris with the distinguished service award. Mary Jane served CAPTE for over twenty years. Her awareness of the interests, challenges, and changes in the specialized accreditation community as a whole, coupled with her deep and extensive knowledge of CAPTE’s accreditation requirements and rules are just a few characteristics that make Mary Jane a very selective honoree. Please join CAPTE and the staff in congratulating Mary Jane on her award.

Actions Taken at the Spring 2016 CAPTE Meeting

At its April 29-May 4, 2016 meeting, the Commission:

  • Made 5 Candidate for Accreditation decisions
  • Made 6 initial accreditation status decisions
  • Made 102 accreditation (reaffirm, continue, and substantive change) status decisions (14 programs on warning, 6 programs on probation, 0 program show cause, 0 program withdraw, 1 substantive change)
  • Reviewed information regarding changes in program leadership since November 2015
  • Reviewed the information provided in the 2015 Annual Accreditation Reports

Review the decisions.

Changes in the Rules

CAPTE adopted numerous changes to its Rules, most of which are editorial in nature, some of which are clarifying, and some of which are substantive. The changes of most interest to programs include the following.

  • Entire document:
    - Change "academic year" to "12 months"
  • Part 6 Procedures for Identifying, Training. . .On-Site Reviewers (Central Panel only)
    -  6.2(b)(2)(ii) Changed criteria for clinician to be consistent with change of clinician definition completed in November 2015
  • Part 7 Pre-accreditation
    -  7.4 Changed when pre-accreditation fees are due to align with current practice (within 21 days after staff determines the AFC meets eligibility requirements); decreased number of cycles from 7 to 6
    -  7.8(c)(2)(i)(ii)(vi) Added language to clarify programs need to reside in institutions that are regionally/nationally accredited and approved by state law as well as have approval for the PT/PTA program
    -  7.8(c)(3) New rule related to allowing program time to submit missing documents based upon staff review
    -  7.8(d)(3) New rule related to allowing program time to submit missing documents based upon staff review
    - 7.13 Increased number of candidacy reviewers from 1 to 2
  • Part 9 Substantive Change
    - 9.4(e) Added language to clearly require programs to continuously reside in institutions that are regionally/nationally accredited and approved by state law
  • Part 11 Complaints (Central Panel only)
    - 11.3(f) Changed so that Central Panel makes final decisions on complaints
    - 11.4(f) and (g) Changed so that Central Panel makes final decisions on complaints
    - 11.8(a) Changed so that Central Panel makes final decisions on complaints
  • Part 12 Complaints against Agency (Central Panel only)
    - 12.5(a) Changed so that Central Panel makes final decisions on complaints
  • Part 15 Financial Policies and Practices
    - 15.2(b)(2)(iv) Changed honoraria fee for Team Leaders in Training from $0 To $100
  • Part 16 Fees
    - 16.2(f) Changes to annual fees for accredited programs can only be at the fall CAPTE meeting for implementation in the next academic year in order to allow programs time for budget planning

Changes to the Standards and Required Elements

NOTE: Revisions to the Standards and Required Elements are being explored as more programs are using them for accreditation. The Commission will consider revisions at its fall meeting in November. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please contact the Accreditation staff.

Side by Side Comparisons of the Standards and Required Elements to the Evaluative Criteria

Cheat Sheets (one page list of elements)

Standards and Required Elements Clarification/Interpretations:

AFC Clarification for Faculty Resources

For PT programs to be considered eligible, consistent language is now in Required Elements: 4A, 4K and 8A.

Employed at least three (3) full-time faculty members including the program director and the ACCE/DCE and has identified sufficient faculty to implement the first two years of the program who are qualified with respect to content expertise, teaching and student evaluation skills. Evidence that faculty qualifications include contemporary expertise in assigned content. Each core faculty member has doctoral preparation and, if teaching clinical PT content, is licensed or regulated in any United States jurisdiction.

Program Director Qualifications

  • As you may know, Program Director qualifications have changed with the new Standards and Required Elements. All Program Directors must meet the new qualifications as of January 1, 2016. Exemptions for some of the qualifications can be requested. The exemption requests are for those Program Directors who have been in the role with programs demonstrating continuously good student expected outcomes. Exemptions are not needed to request an extension or deadline for coming into compliance with this Required Element. The language related to 2018 in the PTA Required Element is to inform programs that compliance must be obtained in the two years from 2016-2018.
  • IMPORTANT: Requests will be reviewed by CAPTE one time only at its Fall 2016 meeting. All requests and documentation must be sent to CAPTE no later than October 1, 2016 in order to be considered. After the fall meeting, no exemptions at any future time will be considered.
  • Note: Starting with Self-Study Reports submitted after June 30, 2016:
    For PTA programs only, responses to 7D23a-i and 7D24a-n are to address each narrative bullet item for each intervention or test and measure identified. For example, response for 7D23c-Biophysical Agents is to address each narrative bullet for biofeedback, electrotherapeutic agents, compression therapies, cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, superficial and deep thermal agents, traction, and light therapies listed. If applicable, refer the reader to previous element rather than duplicating a response. In order to accommodate this additional information, the narrative response for these elements can be provided as an appendix and may be provided in a chart format provided that the chart is formatted in a manner that facilitates review.
  • Assessment Matrix—completely different from the prior assessment matrix/grid used with the Evaluative Criteria
  • Out of State Clinicals—process needs to be in place with no students in unapproved out of state clinicals
  • Workload—reduction in teaching load required for administrative functions
  • Licensure—core faculty who are PTs/PTAs and who are teaching clinical PT content must be licensed or regulated in any United States jurisdiction as a PT or PTA. For CAPTE accredited programs outside the United States, core faculty who are PTs and who are teaching clinical PT content must be licensed or regulated in accordance with the country's regulations.

February 1, 2016 Update

Exemptions for a Specific Component of Program Director Qualifications

As you know, Program Director qualifications have changed with the new Standards and Required Elements that became effective January 1, 2016 . There is the possibility of obtaining an exemption for one specific component of Element 4G for accredited programs. If you believe this applies to you, please review the Exemption Request document.

IMPORTANT: Requests will be reviewed by CAPTE one time only at its Fall 2016 meeting. All requests and documentation must be sent to Accreditation no later than October 1, 2016 in order to be considered; specific submission details are in the Exemption Request form. After the fall 2016 CAPTE meeting, no exemptions will be considered at any future time. PLEASE NOTE: All Programs are expected to be in compliance with all Standards and Required Elements regardless of where your program is in the accreditation cycle.

December 21, 2015 Update

Change of Guard

New Commissioners were elected and retiring Commissioners were recognized at the Fall 2015 CAPTE Meeting. Please join me in welcoming the new commissioners:

Becky Keith, Central Panel
Beth Marcoux, Central Panel
Sherry Bell, PTA Panel
Neil Henning, PTA Panel
Jonna Mayfield, PTA Panel
Kim Rouillier, PTA Panel
Peggy Gleeson, PT Panel
Dave Greathouse, PT Panel
Richard E Talbott, PT Panel, PhD

Chair and Vice Chair Elections
Doreen Stiskal was elected Vice Chair of the PTA Panel
Sharon Reid was elected Chair of the PTA Panel
Bob Post was elected Vice Chair of the PT Panel
Pam Ritzline was elected Chair of the PT Panel
Brad Thuringer was elected Vice-Chair of CAPTE
Ann Divine and Kathy Hastings were elected as Co-Chairs of CAPTE

Do reach out to the retiring commissioners and thank them for their excellent service to CAPTE:

Claire Peel—Chair of CAPTE
Charlene Portee—Vice Chair of CAPTE
Peter Zawicki—PTA Panel Chair
Teresa H Chiavacci—PTA Panel
Jeannie Bryan Coe—PT Panel
Leah Dvorak—PT Panel
Bernie King—PTA Panel
Charlotte Royeen—PT Panel
Barbara Williams—PT Panel

PT/PTA Fact Sheets

The long awaited Fact Sheets are now available on the CAPTE website. Do take time to explore the results to see what interesting facts you can find.

Actions Taken at the Fall 2015 CAPTE Meeting

At its November 6-11, 2015, meeting, the Commission:

  • Made 7 Candidate for Accreditation decisions (denied 4 programs)
  • Made 9 initial accreditation status decisions (withheld 2)
  • Made 117 accreditation (reaffirm, continue, and substantive change) status decisions (15 programs on warning, 4 programs on probation,0 program show cause, 0 program withdraw, 6 deny substantive change)
  • Reviewed information regarding changes in program leadership since April 2015 at 29 programs
  • Reviewed the information provided in the 2014 Annual Accreditation Reports, with resulting requests for additional information from 44 programs

The decisions have been posted on the website.

Program Website Changes

Programs can update their websites to have 2 year outcome data rates instead of 3 years to be in alignment with the Standards.

Programs can also update their websites to reflect graduation rates with the 'new' formula as given on the AAR and Standards.

Changes in the Rules

CAPTE adopted numerous changes to its Rules, most of which are editorial in nature, some of which are clarifying, and some of which are substantive. The changes of most interest to programs include the following.

The Rules have been edited throughout to replace references to business days to read calendar days.

In Part 3 Organization of CAPTE, 3.1(b)2, qualifications for the 2 new permanent PTA panel members were added.

In Part 4 CAPTE Operations, the creation of a Finance Committee was approved and language to meet USDE/CHEA regulations were revised. Additionally, the process of expedited reconsiderations was discontinued for decisions of deny candidacy and withdraw accreditation: 4.3(i).

In Part 7 Procedures for…Pre-Accreditation. Important noneditorial changes include:

  • 7.8(c)ix A comprehensive feasibility study/needs assessment was added to Notification of Intent to Seek Accreditation
  • 7.10(b)10(vii)(a) Letters of Intent from clinical sites specifics were clarified and the required number of available sites was increased from 125% to 150%
  • 7.14(c) The language related to consultation by the Candidacy Reviewer role was removed
  • 7.14(e) The ability to record exit interview was deleted due to newer state laws related to permission
  • 7.14(f) Added new section to clarify exit summary
  • 7.15(b) Clarification was made related to document submission as a response to the Candidacy Reviewer Visit Report

In Part 8, Procedures for…Accreditation changes include:

  • 8.6(a)3ii Composition of PTA on site team changed to allow a PTA to be team leader/educator on team
  • 8.7(c) The ability to record exit interview was deleted due to newer state laws related to permission

In Part 9 Procedures for Reporting changes the changes include:

  • 9.8(c)1 A comprehensive feasibility study/needs assessment as part of reporting requirements to increase cohort size was added
  • 9.7(a)1(i) The definition of distance education was edited to match USDE

In Part 13 Reconsideration one change included:

  • 13.14 Deleted the process of expedited reconsiderations for decisions of deny candidacy and withdraw accreditation

Implementation of the 2016 Standards and Required Elements

Reminder: The new Standards and Elements go into effect on January 1, 2016. All visits to programs, both preaccreditation and accreditation, scheduled for 2016 and thereafter will be conducted based on them.

Now available on the website are the following documents, which we hope will be useful to programs previously reviewed on the current evaluative criteria and now developing self-studies based on the new Standards:

A few changes were made to the Standards and Required Elements at CAPTE's last meeting. These changes include:

  1. Language related to needed licensure for faculty. Element 4A for PT and PTA programs now read:

    "In addition, core faculty who are PTs/PTAs and who are teaching clinical PT/PTA content are licensed or regulated in any United States jurisdiction as a PT or PTA. For CAPTE accredited programs outside the United States, core faculty who are PTs and who are teaching clinical PT content are licensed or regulated in accordance with their country's regulations."
  2. Add diagnostic imaging to 7A in PT Standards.
  3. Change the definition of Full Time Terminal Clinical Education (as a footnote for Element 6E, PT; Element 6F, PTA) as follows:
    PT: Full-time terminal clinical education: Extended full-time experience that occurs at the end of the professional curriculum but may be followed by didactic activity that does not require additional clinical experiences.
    PTA: Full-time terminal clinical education: Extended full-time experience that occurs at the end of the technical curriculum but may be followed by didactic activity that does not required additional clinical experiences.

Side by Side Comparisons of the Standards and Required Elements to the Evaluative Criteria

Cheat Sheets (one page list of elements)

Standards and Required Elements Clarification/Interpretations:

  • PTA Program Director Qualifications—required 9 academic credits of coursework
  • PTA Curriculum (7D)--Provide 3-5 examples of course objectives that show the highest expected level of performance rather than progression.
  • Note Starting with Self-study Reports submitted after June 30, 2016:

    Responses to 7D23a-i and 7D24 a-n are to address each narrative bullet item for each intervention or test and measure identified. For example, response for 7D23c-Biophysical Agents is to address each narrative bullet for biofeedback, electrotherapeutic agents, compression therapies, cryotherapy, hydrotherapy, superficial and deep thermal agents, traction, and light therapies listed. If applicable, refer the reader to previous element rather than duplicating a response. In order to accommodate this additional information, the narrative response for these elements can be provided as an appendix. And may be provided in a chart format provided that the chart is formatting in a manner that facilitates review.
  • Requests for exemptions—form to be available after January 1, 2016; please check back then
  • Assessment Matrix—different from what was required in the Evaluative Criteria
  • Out of State Clinicals—process needs to be in place with no students in unapproved out of state clinicals
  • Workload—reduction in teaching load required for administrative functions
  • Licensure— core faculty who are PTs/PTAs and who are teaching clinical PT content must be licensed or regulated in any United States jurisdiction as a PT or PTA. For CAPTE accredited programs outside the United States, core faculty who are PTs and who are teaching clinical PT content must be licensed or regulated in accordance with their country's regulations.

October 15, 2015 Update

We all have felt the loss of Doug Clarke and Katie Beisner. We certainly wish them well on their own new career opportunities. Recruitment for both positions is occurring with details found on APTA’s employment website. Feel free to forward the information to anyone who might be interested or consider applying yourself.

New Team Member
The Accreditation staff would like to welcome and introduce its newest staff member, Tim Artis. Tim will be working as a senior coordinator providing general support and assistance to the director, the office manager and specialists. He will also provide back-up when needed for the other 2 senior coordinators who manage on-site visits and CAPTE operations.

Prior to his arrival at APTA, Tim worked for the Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP) as an account coordinator. He is currently attending Northern Virginia Community College for his bachelors in Civil Engineering. Tim was born at Ft. Belvoir and grew up as a military child. Within a few months of his birth, he traveled and lived in countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy, and Wales until he returned to the United States for his freshman year of high school. His hobbies include traveling, skiing/snowboarding, hiking, fishing, camping, and producing music. Tim has been to 6 out of the 7 continents on the planet. Can you guess the one he has not visited?

February 9, 2015 Update

State Authorization Update
At the ACAPT meeting held during CSM, there was a brief discussion of the latest information regarding state authorization. View a copy of the presentation (.pdf).

June 12, 2015 Update

Sandra Wise, PhD Joins Accreditation Staff as Senior Director

After a lengthy search conducted by APTA, in collaboration with CAPTE, we are pleased to welcome Sandra Wise, PhD, to APTA and to the Accreditation Department staff. Sandra has been on board since April 22, two days prior to the beginning of the spring CAPTE meeting, so she has been highly engaged in accreditation activities from her first day. Sandra has a history with CAPTE; she has conducted at least 16 onsite visits and served as a commissioner for the PTA panel. Please join the staff in welcoming Sandra to the team.

Mary Jane Harris, PT, MS, DSc (Hon) Retires

After more than 20 years at APTA, 15-and-a-half of them as Director of Accreditation, Mary Jane has retired effective May 31, 2015. She plans to relocate to southern Utah where she will be closer to family. Mary Jane provided the vision and advocacy to create a highly effective accreditation process for physical therapy education for which she will always be remembered and honored.

Actions Taken at the Spring 2015 CAPTE Meeting

At its April 24-29, 2015, meeting, the Commission:

  • Made 8 Candidate for Accreditation decisions (denied 2 programs)
  • Made 13 initial accreditation status decisions (withheld 1)
  • Made 104 accreditation (reaffirm, continue, and substantive change) status decisions (11 programs on warning, 4 programs on probation, 1 program show cause, 1 program withdraw, 3 deny substantive change)
  • Reviewed information regarding changes in program leadership since November 2014 at 23 programs
  • Reviewed the information provided in the 2014 Annual Accreditation Reports, with resulting requests for additional information from 50 programs

The decisions have been posted on the website.

In addition, the Commission:

  • Made some significant changes in its Rules of Practice and Procedure as noted below.
  • Presented the Distinguished Service Award to three members of the Cadre of On-site Reviewers in recognition of their sustained contributions to the CAPTE accreditation process. The recipients are Susan Crabtree, Martha Hinman, and Stefanie Palma.

Changes in Annual Fees (see Part 16 of the Rules)

The Commission acted to set the 2016 annual fee (due 12/1/2015) at $4,000. This represents a $500 increase over the 2015 fee. This increase is necessitated by several factors:

  • The cost of travel (our largest expense after personnel) is increasing.
  • The number of visits per year is increasing.
  • We need to add to the Cadre of On-site Reviewers, so training expenses will increase.
  • The increase will fund a new staff position needed to accommodate the increased number of programs and to support some new initiatives to improve our services to programs.
  • The database and portal need significant upgrades to make them more user friendly, and may need to be replaced in order to accomplish this goal.

The 2017 annual fee is set at $4,000 and the 2018 annual fee is set at $4,250.

CAPTE also imposed a fee for review of a resubmitted Application for Approval of Substantive Change in the amount of 1/3 of the annual fee.

PLEASE NOTE that several fees are based on the annual fee amount. Therefore, the following fees will also rise: annual fees for additional cohorts, half-year annual fees, and the fee for first review of an Application for Approval of Substantive Change.

Other Changes in the Rules

CAPTE adopted numerous changes to its Rules, most of which are editorial in nature, some of which are clarifying, and some of which are substantive. The changes of most interest to programs include the following.

The Rules have been edited throughout to replace references to the evaluative criteria with references to the new standards and elements.

In Part 1 Integrity in the Accreditation Process, there is new language that gives notice that any action that inhibits the ability or willingness of program representatives or students to respond truthfully to questions posed by an on-site team is a breach of academic integrity. A new clause in Part 8 Procedures for…Accreditation, §8.7(b), emphasizes that on-site visit interviews are intended to be confidential and therefore are not open to individuals other than those intended to be there; the clause also prohibits recording of interviews.

In Part 3 Organization of CAPTE, §3.2(c), qualifications for a program director to serve as the consumer member on the Central Panel have been added.

As usual, there are a number of changes in Part 7 Procedures for…Pre-Accreditation. Two general editorial changes have been made throughout this Part: 1) the term "candidacy" (as a process) has been replaced with "pre-accreditation" and 2) the term "bona fide" has been replaced with "eligible for further review." Important non-editorial changes include:

  • §7.3(c), the expectation that the statement of the program’s status in the pre-accreditation process be included on all webpages where the program is referenced has been changed to a requirement that the statement be on the program’s home webpage and that links to the statement be on any other webpage that references the program
  • §7.4(a), changes in the pre-accreditation process schedule
  • §7.8(c), additional information required in notification of intent of seek accreditation
  • §7.8(d)(1), notice that the new expectations for the program director qualifications contained in the 2016 Standards and Required Elements will be implemented in the pre-accreditation process for all AFC submissions after December 31, 2015.
  • §7.8(d)(4), describes the process for identifying conflicts of interest and sets the due date for the submission of conflict of interest designations at two (2) months after the program is given access to the portal
  • A new required notice to students when programs plan a summer graduation for the charter class.
  • §7.8(h)(3) defines the consequence for failure to reconfirm the program’s intent to submit the AFC as cessation of the process.
  • §7.9(d), requires that the AFC review fee be submitted two weeks prior to submission of the AFC
  • §7.10(b) sets some new eligibility expectations, including:
    - Required use of the naming conventions for uploaded documents
    - Additional information to be included in the preface
    - Evidence of accurate information being provided to prospective students
    - For PT programs, effective with submissions after January 1, 2016, at least three core faculty employed and identification of sufficient, qualified faculty to implement the first two years
    - Expectation that program directors meet the qualifications outlined in the 2016 Standards and Required Elements
    - Clarification of maximum PTA program length
  • §7.12 defines the submitted AFC and the response to the Candidacy Visit Report as the record to be reviewed by CAPTE, with no further information to be added unless specifically requested by CAPTE or staff
  • §7.14 describes a new format for the Candidacy visit

Part 8, Procedures for…Accreditation changes include:

  • §8.16(c) the definition of a good faith effort (for the purpose of extending the time for coming into compliance beyond two years) now has an additional expectation that the program’s implemented plan has results that provide reasonable assurance that the program will come into compliance within the allotted time.
  • §8.17(e) Requirement for a written report following a focused visit to be provided to the program for comment prior to CAPTE review
  • §8.21 clarifies use of the CAPTE logo

Part 9 Procedures for Reporting Changes includes a new change that must be pre-approved: use of prior learning assessment and/or competency-based education with direct assessment.

Implementation of the 2016 Standards and Required Elements

Reminder: The new Standards and Elements go into effect on January 1, 2016. All visits to programs, both preaccreditation and accreditation, scheduled for 2016 and thereafter will be conducted based on them.

Now available on the website are the following documents, which we hope will be useful to programs previously reviewed on the current evaluative criteria and now developing self-studies based on the new Standards:

Side by Side Comparisons of the Standards and Required Elements to the Evaluative Criteria

Cheat Sheets (one page list of elements)

January 12, 2015 Update

2016 Standards Adopted by CAPTE

The Accreditation Department, on behalf of CAPTE, is pleased to provide the 2016 Standards and Required Elements for Accreditation of PTA and PT programs that were adopted by CAPTE at its fall 2014 meeting. We would like to thank the Criterion Revision Group (CRG) for the many hours of work devoted to this task. In addition, we would like to thank those individuals who responded to the multiple calls for comment, which provided direction and redirection for the CRG.

All programs with an accreditation or candidacy site visit after January 1, 2016, will be reviewed using the 2016 Standards. As soon as Portal changes have been finalized, Self-study Reports for programs with a 2016 site visit will be created. Programs with a Candidacy Visit after January 1, 2016, will be contacted regarding the creation of an AFC that uses the 2016 Standards. In the meantime, please use the Standards to guide your work. Starting with the workshop at CSM, Self-study Workshops will be on the 2016 Standards.

Click here to access the 2016 Standards. Additionally, a summary of changes CAPTE made just prior to the adoption of the 2016 Standards, along with the identification of significant changes from the current Evaluative Criteria, can be obtained by clicking here.  

Reception at CSM for Mary Jane Harris

As you may know, Mary Jane will retire in the first half of 2015 after 21 years of service in the Accreditation department. Please join us at a reception being held in her honor on Thursday, February 5, 2015, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm, at the JW Marriott Hotel, Room 210.

Amended Rules of Practice and Procedure Posted

At its November 2014 meeting, CAPTE made a number of changes to its Rules of Practice and Procedure (.pdf). All changes have been highlighted for your information. Of particular note and importance for programs are the following:

  • All materials for consideration by CAPTE are due 30 days prior to the CAPTE meeting, unless specifically requested by CAPTE after that deadline. Program access to the Portal will be unavailable during the 30 days prior to the meeting. (This change has been made in multiple places.)
  • Numerous changes have been made in the Candidacy process (Part 7) and expectations. This includes:
    • A new step of formal notification of intent to seek accreditation;
    • A number of expectations that are higher than previously required;
    • A number of additional expectations for information to be included in the Application for Candidacy;
    • Availability of the Summary of Action granting Candidacy to the Commission when considering the program for initial accreditation; and,
    • Clarifications of process and timelines.
  • Part 9: A new program change to be reported: Changes in the program director responsibilities or workload.
  • Part 16: Some fees have been increased.

September 15, 2014 Update

Anastasia DiCicco has joined the Accreditation staff in the position of Pre-accreditation Specialist. She brings a variety of experience to us, most recently from the Yoga Alliance where she was involved in the certification of yoga programs and schools.

As the Pre-accreditation Specialist, Anastasia will be responsible for managing the candidacy process and serve as the primary contact in the accreditation department for developing programs, both PT and PTA. As you can imagine, though, the learning curve for new staff in Accreditation is very steep, so the rest of the department staff will be supporting her as she learns about CAPTE, the pre-accreditation and accreditation process, our database and the Accreditation Portal, and physical therapy education.

Please direct your future inquiries and correspondence about the pre-accreditation process to Anastasia. She can be reached by telephone at 703-706-8593 and by e-mail at

Archived: What's New?

December 18, 2013 Update

About the November 1-6, 2013 CAPTE Meeting

CAPTE acts on 157 programs
At its November 1-6, 2013 meeting, CAPTE made decisions about 55 PT and 102 PTA programs. Included among the decisions, 6 programs were granted candidacy and 9 programs were granted initial accreditation. Click here for a list of all program actions taken during the meeting.

CAPTE Adopts Changes to its Rules of Practice and Procedure
CAPTE has made a variety of changes in its Rules of Practice and Procedure. Unless noted otherwise, all the changes are effective immediately. Of primary interest to programs are the following:

1. Significant changes have been made to the CANDIDACY program (see Part 7 for all of the changes):

  • The number of candidacy reviews per meeting will be reduced to seven, effective March 2015
  • The following change was made in the expectations for candidacy
    • Inclusion of information in the AFC preface about expected availability of, and access to, jobs as PTs or PTAs post-graduation of the first and succeeding classes
  • The following changes were made in the expectations for determining that an AFC is bona fide
    • Effective December 2014, program director attendance at self-study workshop in addition to a developing program workshop is required [§7.12(b)(1)]
    • Institution has a financial viability test score of 0 (zero) or above [§7.12(b)(8)(v)]
    • Sufficient faculty, including the PD and DCE, to implement the first year of the curriculum (PT Programs) [§7.12(b)(8)(ix)(a)]
  •  Added expectations related to letters of intent [§7.12(b)(8)(xi)(a)]
    - On letterhead of the site (not corporate office)
    - Include title and credentials of signatory
    - Effective June 2014, individual letters from each site will be required and must be signed by a representative of the site.
  •  Set some limitations on the information that can be submitted after the candidacy visit and prior to the CAPTE review [§§7.15(e), 7.16(b) and 7.17(d)]

2. Significant changes have been made in the INITIAL ACCREDITATION process:

  • On-site visits will be moved, over time, to the last didactic term prior to the final clinical experience(s) [§8.5(b)]
  • Effective July 1, 2014, programs will be required to submit information regarding student performance during clinical education 30 days prior to the CAPTE review. [§8.12(c)]

3. Other important changes:

  • Programs will be placed on Probation at any time that their ultimate licensure pass rate for any single year reporting period is less than 40%. [§8.16(d)(2)]
  • Programs will be placed on Warning at any time that their ultimate licensure pass rate for any single year reporting period is between 40% and 65%. [§8.17(b)(1)]
  • Expectation that institutions clearly indicate on their website and other public information that programs not subject to CAPTE accreditation are not accredited by CAPTE. [§8.19(3)]
  • Expectation that accredited programs place the CAPTE logo on their webpage by July 1, 2014. [§8.20(a)] More information to come about this expectation.
  • Clarification that a one-time increase in class size is expected to be temporary, not an opportunity to increase class size without seeking approval. [§9.4(f)(7)]
  • Codified definitions of "Distance Education Course" and "Distance Education Program" [§9.7(a)(1)(ii)]
  • Requirement that additional offerings be implemented within one year of approval. [§9.10(c)]
  • Sets new fees for special visits and other activities, including the option for a monetary sanction. [§15.7]

The revised Rules are available by clicking here. Please take some time to look at all of the changes.

Editorial Changes to Evidence Lists

In order to facilitate submission of the necessary information upon which CAPTE relies to make accreditation decisions, the evidence lists for six PT criteria have been edited to add more clarity and specificity. The affected criteria are have been edited to add more clarity and specificity. The affected criteria are: P-1, P-2, P-3, CP-2.2, CO-1 (all related to mission, goals, and outcomes) and CP-2.3 (related to prerequisites).

Additionally, a change has been made to one evidence list of the PTA Criteria. The affected criterion is 1.4.2 related to information available to students which now includes submission of sample enrollment agreements, as appropriate.

New Strategic Plan Adopted

The Commission adopted a new 3-5 year strategic plan. Elements of the plan include:

  • Revision of the Candidacy Process
  • Revision of the Accreditation Process
  • Development of a formal assessment process for CAPTE
  • Implementation of a mechanism to accredit "bridge" programs for internationally educated PTs
  • Exploration of accreditation of international programs

Task Forces to address the five elements are being constituted and will include representatives from the education community. Some of the work will start soon; the rest will be phased in as time permits.

New CAPTE Leadership Elected

The Commission has elected Claire Peel to be the Chair in 2014. Ann Divine has been elected to the position of Vice-Chair. Per CAPTE's Rules, Claire and Ann also serve as Chair and Vice Chair, respectively, of the Central Panel. Newly elected to leadership of the PT Panel are Beth Marcoux, Chair and Bob Post, Vice Chair. The PTA panel leadership will be Marlene Medin, Chair and Sharon Reid, Vice Chair.

CAPTE Elects New Commissioners (term January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2017)

The following individuals have been elected to serve on CAPTE in the following positions:

Central Panel

  • Laura "Dolly" Swisher, PT, PhD, MDiv (FL) – Active in Accreditation Process (PT)
  • Brad Thuringer, PTA (SD) – Active in the Accreditation Process (PTA)

PTA Panel

  • Katherine Krieg, PT, MHS, PhD (LA) – PTA Educator
  • Diana Ploeger, PT, MEd (UT) – PTA Educator
  • Catherine Portman, RN, MS (CA) – Public Member

PT Panel

  • Mary Edna Harrell, PT, MS, OCS, FAAOMPT (CA) – PT Clinician
  • Pamela Ritzline, PT, EdD (TN) – PT Academic Administrator
  • Stephen Wilhite, PhD (PA) – Higher Education Administrator

Additionally, Jean Bryan Coe, PT, DPT, PhD (TX), has been appointed for one year to fill a vacated position (PT Educator).

Commissioners Complete Service

Eight members of CAPTE will complete their four-year terms on CAPTE on December 31, 2013. Completing terms on the Central Panel are Martha Hinman, CAPTE Chair; and Stefanie Palma, CAPTE Vice Chair. Completing terms on the PT review panel are Jean Bryan Coe, Jennie Gregory, and Sherilynn Spear. Completing terms on the PTA review panel are Angela Heaton, Nancy Remington and Peter Zawicki. Additionally, Lee Nelson has resigned from the PT Panel.

All of these individuals have been dedicated to improving the quality of physical therapy education through the accreditation process. We all owe them our thanks for their work.

We also want to specifically acknowledge the contribution of Marty Hinman in her capacity as Chair. She gave selflessly to the many activities related to the consideration of the future of CAPTE governance. Great strides toward more autonomy for CAPTE were made under her leadership.

 About the November 1-6, 2013 CAPTE Meeting Criteria Revision Update

The Criteria Revision Group (CRG) began the process of considering revision of the PT and PTA evaluative criteria in mid-2013. The CRG was tasked with three objectives as part of their review:

  • identify those areas of the criteria that are appropriate for both PT and PTA programs,
  • eliminate duplication wherever possible, and
  • update the criteria to reflect current expectations for quality PT and PTA education.

Several conference calls and one face-to-face meeting will soon result in a first draft of proposed changes. Current plans are for the CRG to release a first draft of proposed changes in mid-January, 2014.

In addition to seeking written input, an OPEN HEARING has been scheduled during CSM to provide an opportunity for attendees to offer comment in a public forum:

Date/time: Tuesday, February 4, 2014; 6:30-8:30 pm
Location: Venetian Hotel, Galileo 1003-1005 (subject to change)

After collection of feedback on the first draft, the CRG will meet to consider the feedback and make any necessary changes, after which a second draft will be released for comment and, if necessary, another hearing at Annual Conference. The CRG's hope is that new criteria will be adopted at the November 2014 CAPTE meeting.

Members of the CRG are Sherry Bell, Patricia Brown, Jackie Long-Goding, Stephen MacDonald, Tom Mohr, Karen Paschal (Chair), Claire Peel, Bob Post, Sharon Reid, and Scott Ward.

Accreditation Staff Changes

The Accreditation department is pleased to welcome two new staff: Lauri Bodwell and Katherine (Kat) Semakula. Their arrival in October was the final piece of a puzzle that we have been working on since early in the year; that is, a restructuring of the department. We will also be adding a new position next year.

Previously the department was structured primarily around the types of programs that we accredit, with one group attending to the needs of PT programs, another group attending to PTA programs and another engaged in more overarching activities. We have now reorganized around our work functions.

What's New: Accreditation Department Org Chart

To get the best service from us, please direct your calls to the appropriate person. Here is a list of the commonly requested information and the best person to contact about them.

  • Trouble with the Accreditation Portal – Tej Chana, x3236
  • Invoices and billing questions – Tej Chana, x3236
  • Requests for data – Tej Chana, x3236
  • Registration for Accreditation workshops– Lauri Bodwell, x3244
  • The Candidacy Process (PT or PTA) – Kat Semakula, x8593
  • The PT accreditation process – Ellen Price, x3242
  • The PTA accreditation process – Doug Clarke, x 3241
  • Interpretation of the PT Evaluative Criteria – Ellen Price, x 3242
  • Interpretation of the PTA Evaluative Criteria – Doug Clarke, x 3241
  • On-site Visits, including travel reimbursements/honoraria – Tasha Johnson, x3247
  • Interest in becoming an on-site reviewer – Tasha Johnson, x3247
  • Inaccurate information on our website – Eva Donley, x3243
  • Changes in program related contact information – Lauri Bodwell, x3244
  • Formal Complaints – Mary Jane Harris, x3240

CAPTE Central Panel Meets (updated 8/15/2013)

CAPTE’s Central Panel met in late July to review programs seeking candidacy and to conduct business as appropriate. The Panel reviewed seven programs for candidacy: five programs were granted Candidate for Accreditation status and two were denied. Click here to access a list of these actions.

Mary Jane Harris Awarded Honorary Doctor of Science Degree

Mary Jane Harris Receives Doctoral of Sciences Degree

Please join the CAPTE commissioners and staff in congratulating our Director of Accreditation, Mary Jane Harris, on receiving an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions at their August commencement (seen in photo with RMU President Rick Nielsen and Provost Sandy Pennington). Dr. Harris has served CAPTE with distinction for close to 20 years and is highly respected in the educational and accreditation communities.

No Town Hall at APTA Conference in Salt Lake City; Webinar Later (updated 5/29/2013)

Due to the many already overlapping activities during Conference, we were unable to find a convenient time for a Town Hall. Instead, we will organize a webinar to take place following conference. As soon as the details are known, we will let you know.

Outcomes of Recent CAPTE Meeting

The Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education met April 19-24, 2013. Outcomes of the meeting include the following:

Accreditation decisions regarding 50 PT and 81 PTA programs:

  • Granted Candidacy to 1 PT and 3 PTA programs; denied candidacy to 1 PTA program
  • Granted (initial) Accreditation to 4 PT and 9 PTA programs; withheld (initial) accreditation from 1 PTA program
  • Reaffirmed Accreditation of 11 PT and 11 PTA programs
  • Approved applications for substantive change from 9 PT and 3 PTA programs
  • Reviewed compliance reports submitted by 26 PT and 55 PTA programs

A list of all decisions has been posted to this website.

Review of the 2012 Annual Accreditation Reports. Following the review, CAPTE requested additional information from 20 PT and 41 PTA programs.

Adoption of two new Position Papers:

  • Expectations for the Education of Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants Regarding Direction and Supervision
  • Innovation in Physical Therapy Education

Rescindment of the position statement regarding PTA Education and Joint Mobilization because the intent of the statement is included in the new position paper "Expectations…Regarding Direction and Supervision"

Recognition of the Distinguished Service of two members of the Cadre of On-site Reviewers (COR):

  • Barbara Sanders PT, PhD, SCS, FAPTA, Professor and Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy and Associate Dean of the College of Health Professions at Texas State University-San Marcos, has been a member of the COR since 1992, serving as a team member, team leader or candidacy reviewer for 28 on-site visits.
  • Melton Jones, PhD, Dean Emeritus at John Tyler Community College in Richmond VA, has been a member of the COR since 1997 and has served on 84 visits to PTA programs.

Both are avid supporters of the accreditation review process and have garnered the admiration and respect of the team members with which they have worked and the programs that they have visited.

Revision of the Rules of Practice and ProcedureThe April 2013 version of the Rules has been posted to CAPTE's website. Numerous changes were made in Parts 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, and 16. While programs should familiarize themselves with all of the changes, the following changes are of particular importance to programs:


  • Amended the candidacy fee payment process, effective with June 2014 submissions: "Payment of the preaccreditation fee is due at the same time that the Application for Candidacy is submitted, though payment will be accepted earlier. NOTE: Effective with June 2014 submissions, the preaccreditation fee will be paid in two installments: an initial review fee due at the same time as submission of the AFC and a precandidacy fee due fifteen (15) working days after the AFC is submitted (i.e., after the AFC is determined to be bona fide). See Part 16 for more information about fees." [§7.11(d)]
  • Added a new requirement for a bona fide application, effective with December 2013 submissions: "Evidence that the institution is accurately characterizing the program's status in the accreditation process in all information provided to prospective students and the public, including on its website and in any materials used for student recruitment." [§7.12(b)(8)(vii)]
  • Clarified the process for initial screening of the Application for Candidacy when there has been a staff determination that an AFC is not bona fide and amended the review fee, effective with December 2013 submissions. [See §7.13(e)-(h)]
  • Added a new cause for withdrawal of candidacy:
    "(8) Failure to adhere to any special conditions placed on, and agreed to by, the program during the initial candidacy review process." [§7.28(b)]


  • Set a limit on the length of time accreditation can be extended for "good faith effort" to 2 years [§8.25(b)(2)]


There are numerous changes in Part 9. Due to the extensive revision of this part, they are not being reported in detail here. Programs are encouraged to review the Rules to identify specific changes. The changes generally fall into the following categories:

  • Reduction of duplicative language
  • Reorganization of reportable changes according to when they need to be reported
  • Addition of two changes to be reported and elimination of four
  • Clarification of the intent of CAPTE's expectation for reporting
  • Separation of expectations for pre-approval of additional cohorts in the same program offering from expectations for preapproval of additional program offerings (e.g. expansions)


  • Added a new cause for Administrative Probation: Failure to provide information requested by CAPTE or staff to meet expectations of CAPTE's recognition agencies. [§10.1(b)(11)]
  • Shortened the timeline for programs to meet administrative requirements before Administrative Probation is imposed [10.2(c)]


  • Changed the opportunity for review of complaints from two to four times a year [11.2(d)]


  • Increased the Candidacy fee, effective with June 2014 submissions, to $17,500 in total and altered the payment process to three installments: a non-refundable initial review fee of $2,500; a precandidacy installment of $10,000 payable after the Application has been determined to be bona fide; and an initial accreditation fee of $5,000 payable with submission of the Self-study Report. [§16.1]
  • Set the 2016 Annual Accreditation Fee to $3,750 [§16.2(a)]

USDE Continues CAPTE Recognition

At its December 2012 meeting, the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) of the US Department of Education reviewed CAPTE's Petition for Recognition and recommended to the Secretary of Education that CAPTE's recognition be continued. The Committee identified some issues that need to be addressed in a Compliance Report. In February 2013, we received notice that the Secretary had agreed with the NACIQI recommendation. We will be submitting the requested report in January 2014.

CAPTE Receives Recognition from the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (updated 10/17/2012)

At its meeting on September 24-25, 2012, the CHEA Board of Directors reviewed the recommendation of the CHEA Committee on Recognition regarding the recognition application submitted by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education. The board of directors accepted the committee's recommendation and granted recognition to CAPTE.